Heavy - Dazai Osamu

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Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for like- months! I'm super busy and yo girl need to study :'D Anyways, here's a short update. Warning! Angst.


Dazai Osamu

The wind blew softly, the smell of fall filled her nose. Untied hair being swept away by the wind, a woman looked up at the cloudy sky with hands in the pockets of her coat, in deep thought. Eyes closed, she stopped in her tracks and stood there in the middle of the park with tears freely falling on her pale cheeks.

The woman didn't care if there was anyone seeing her; the heaviness inside her chest was too much for her to bear. 

She couldn't do anything, she thought. The sight of her beloved's back as he had walked away lingered in her memory. The words, "Let's end this.", replayed in her mind, as if she was hearing it for the first time.

Dazai never even stopped and hesitated as he walked away from her. He broke their relationship easily as if it was just nothing, making (Y/N) stare at him in disbelief, looking at him walk away in silence. Their love, happiness, and time were all nothing to him, she thought.

Life wasn't going well for her. Before Dazai even broke up with her she had lost her job, huge amounts of debts stacked for her from her mom, her best friend was out of reach, and her cousins were adding lots to her problems. The only thing she could call her safe place was Dazai himself. When she thought she would feel lighter and happier even just for a bit when Dazai called her to the port of Yokohama, she met another heavy weight and her gloom grew more.

She missed him; his warmth, his idiotic laugh, and his voice speaking her name. (Y/N) walked and walked, mind blank and feet moving. She stared blankly at nothing, just walked and walked, not knowing where her feet would take her.

She heard nothing and saw nothing. 

Only that she grimly smiled before the large truck, that was beeping several times, hit her.

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