Opposites - Kunikida Doppo

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My birthday is the day after tomorrow and I plan to update a few chapters this month to make up for the weeks I've last updated! Though what I'm saying is completely unrelated, I just want to say thank you for reading this book and I am very happy to all of you. :3

Kunikida Doppo

"Try and do your work at times, (Y/N)."

"Yes, yes, you've told me that thousands of times now. I think it's time to stop-"

"How can I when you haven't even touched a single folder and it's two pm?! You're not following things as scheduled!"

Y/N sighed as she rested her chin on her palm and looked towards Kunikida with lazy eyes filled with delight, "You're just excited for our date later, aren't you?"

Kunikida's scolding came to a halt when those words left her lips. It was true, he was looking forward to the date they scheduled for later. It was weeks since their last date, with how things have been looking lately, there was literally no time for scheduled dates or cuddles. When both of them go on missions, the other one would be sleeping soundly when the other one arrived home. The timing just doesn't fit every time.

Kunikida's face goes bright red at this, "What are you saying? I'm just worried and I want things as scheduled, (Y/N) you should know me by now!" he huffed. He heard some snickers behind him and saw Dazai with a smug face, clearly loving the fact that Kunikida was embarrassed.

"Are? Kunikida-kun, you're face is glowing red," Dazai pointed out with a hand on his mouth, "Atsushi-kun, did you capture it?"

"I-I did..."



Kunikida was now shaking Dazai and Atsushi at the same time by their collars, still having a red face. (Y/N) watched with amusement, looking at her lover being who he is and caring about just a simple date really tugged her heartstrings. With how uptight and strict Kunikida is with himself and with everyone around him, it was quite a shock when everyone in the agency knew of his and Y/N's relationship; they were the exact opposites.

(Y/N) was lazy and very much a character who just went with the flow, she didn't care about certain things. She was relaxed and a cool-headed person. When she attends meetings, she would be sometimes late, earning her a scolding from Kunikida. When she goes on missions, she meets her opponents with a poker face and a relaxed manner, people even think she's underestimating her opponents when in fact she does not. She always thought that if she died on missions, then that would be it.

Kunikida, on the other hand, was a person who strictly followed his routines and beliefs. He always scolded every person who wasn't following things as planned, specifically Dazai who kept on messing with him. He was always a couple of minutes early in meetings, he's also the type who drinks bitter coffee in the morning. He was always, in a way, a character who wants to follow his ideals to produce his preferred outcome.

Now it was a shock when Atsushi had awkwardly walked into the office just to see the two making out. The poor boy was embarrassed, countlessly saying "I'm so sorry!" and ran miles because of what he had seen. Of course, he had to bump with Dazai. He asked Atsushi what happened and the boy, with broken words, said.

"Kunikida-san... (L/N)-san... kiss..ing..."

And it's because it's Dazai, the whole agency found out. They were all shocked. With Kunikida and (L/N)'s personalities and attitudes, it wouldn't be surprising for the people of the company to think that it was an odd pairing of sorts. 

(Y/N) shook her head and gained the motivation to finally finish her work. Putting her hair in a ponytail, she started working on the documents in front of her with a small smile.

Kunikida came back from scolding and deleting the embarrassing photo of him turning red. He saw how fast (Y/N) was trying to finish her work, he knew that she can actually do everything in just a couple of minutes, with how fast and how smart she is despite her lazy demeanor. But because of being used to things, it was a daily occurrence for him scolding his beloved fiance even though he knew her abilities.

Looking left to right and up and down, Kunikida checked if any people are around. After making sure that there was no other soul other than his and Y/N's. He walked to (Y/N) and hugged her from behind.

"You know that you are distracting me, right?" (Y/N) chuckled when she felt arms wrapped around her.

Kunikida buried his face on her neck, "I know that you can do it in a couple of minutes, so let's... stay like this for a bit." he said with heat in his face. Although he was embarrassed at initiating affection, he had missed her warmth and scent. Now that he had a hold of it once again, he was addicted and wasn't planning to move until he feels another person.

(Y/N) smiled, "I missed you, Kunikida."

Barely a whisper, Kunikida who was still embarrassed murmured a small 'I missed you, too'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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