Before - Dazai Osamu

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Dazai Osamu


I walked and walked, not caring of where my feet would take me.


Having no sense of direction, I walked through the darkness, and through the depths of the mumbling forest. My bruised feet touching the muddy ground with every step, my shaking hands moving spontaneously with my body, and my eyes having to engulf with the dark and foggy place.

I don't like these kinds of places, but with all the circumstances, I have found it very reassuring somehow even though I'm running away from everything that I have had.


Feeling the exhaustion, I slowly fell on the ground. Looking up at the bright full moon who was shining its luminance, almost as if it's showing off how it shines bright and how it has purpose, even if it is in the night.

Raindrops started to fall from the sky, the once bright moon had been covered with the dark gray clouds.

I smirked and put an arm over my tired and swollen eyes, "Just as I've thought... Nothing lasts for me"


I was on my phone while walking behind my friends. They were having fun talking about random stuff like they always do, even if I am always left out by all their conversations, I can't help but say that they're my friends and they're the people that I have called "My Family".

I shut my phone and put it in the pocket of my jeans, putting my hands in the pockets of my zipped up jacket, wearing the comforting hood afterwards.

"Hey (Y/N)" Ichiru called out. I looked at her, eyes indifferent and raised a brow at her. Her walking pace slower, as if matching my slow pace and putting her hands behind her, looking straight, almost as if looking at nothing at all.

She bit her bottom lip, breathing unsteady, being anxious of whatever she's gonna talk to me about. She looked at me with her natural waves flying because of the strong gush of the wind.

She bit her lower lip and looked around anxiously, waiting for the right time to talk to me.

"I-... I'm sorry"

Her voice shaky and different, it wasn't the normal high pitch I heard, it felt like it had carried a big bag of burden, of worries and regrets that she couldn't tell me.

My brows furrowed and I looked at her, confused. Her usual light and fun orbs were filled with glassy clear tears, falling to her cheeks. I only stared at her, having a bad feeling of whatever is gonna happen.

"(Y/N)," Sasako called out, "there's this party that our upperclassmen are holding out. And! We want you to come with us, also just wear anything normal. It's not that fancy, but it's a lot of fun." she emphasized 'fun' which gave me suspicions about this 'party' that she was talking about.

My instincts told me to turn down the offer and value my life, but my mind kept on saying that it might be fun and there's nothing wrong with going to a nice party.

But little did I know...

"You brought another one, didn't you, Sasako" someone said in a stern voice.

"Well, she was completely useless anyway, not that she's valuable to me or anything" said a very familiar voice, sounding way uninterested in the topic, "-and besides, this is all for the sake of your fun, can't a girl do whatever the heck her boyfriend wants?"

I froze and didn't know what to think. She betrayed me, a friend betrayed me. Though I knew it all along, I was too stupid to agree on whatever shit they wanted me to do, to dumb to think that I would fit in.

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