Family - Port Mafia

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I went to the clean and polished lobby of the Port Mafia's building. Ironic how we're supposed to be an underground kinda organization but here we are, a building so high that it outstands all of Yokohama.

My (F/C) boots was all that you can hear in the lobby. I made my way to the elevator and saw Akutagawa and Higuchi, probably waiting for the elevator.

It's not quite often do I see them here at the lobby, I'd probably see Akutagawa in a mission or somewhere in the lobby, and I could see Higuchi with Akutagawa at times but more or less I kinda don't see her much often.

"Higuchi, Akutagawa, good morning" I greeted.

"Oh, (L/N)-san, good morning" Higuchi said, bowing in greeting as I did the same. Akutagawa nodded, a way of showing that he noticed my presence.

I touched the amulet on my chest and looked at the two of them from the corner pf my eye, "What brings the two of you here? At this time, you'd probably in a mission already".

Akutagawa coughed, covering his mouth with his hand at the certain act, "Boss called".

I let out a small 'hmm'. I was here also for the same reason. Mori-san wouldn't call anyone at the same time, it must be important, having Akutagawa and Higuchi at the same meeting time as me. I'd guess that the others would be there too.

The elevator opened and the three of us went in and Higuchi pressed the floor level of the Boss's office. I rested my back on the elevator, closing my eyes at the same time.

"Just may I ask, (L/N)-san, how long have you been in the Port Mafia?" Higuchi asked.

I opened my eyes and looked down, it's been a long time since I have been here. It's been quite a ride, even having our best executive leaving.

"Hmm," I said holding my chin, "-9 years"

The elevator let out a ding and the elevator doors opened. I got out first, Akutagawa and Higuchi following from behind. I went in to Mori's office without any confirmation with the guards. Being an executive has its advantages.

As I got in, I saw familiar faces

"Oi (Y/N), you're supposed to come here earlier, idiot" said by the ginger haired shorty executive with the fedora. I rolled my eyes at him, "It's not even time yet, ChuChu"

"I told you not to call me that-" Chuuya growled at which made me giggle.

"Ahh, it's always lively when we get together like this, isn't it?" Kouyou said and I greeted her.

"Good morning Kouyou-chan"

She smiled, "Good morning (Y/N)"

"And you can't even greet me 'good morning'-" Chuuya huffed out almost like sulking, I hit him on his head.

I put a hand on my hip, "I greeted you 'Good morning' in text and we met earlier to eat". Chuuya glared at me, "But what was that hit for?!"

Kouyou sighed, "It's always like this with them"

We heard people coming in once again, I stopped bickering with Chuuya and greeted the Black Lizard.

"Good morning guys!"

Tachihara scrunched his nose, "You're energetic as always".

I grinned, "You love it"

"Good morning also (Y/N)-san" Hirotsu said while Gin just nodded.

I went next to Gin and looked at everyone, "Kaiji's not here", Gin just shrugged and Mori walked in the room with Elise.

"Neh, Elise-chan, we can play dress up after this meeting" Mori sweetly said to Elise as she 'Hmp'ed and went off to draw with her crayons.

Mori sat on his chair and rested his chin on his two hands, "I see that everyone is here"

"The Guild, huh" I said, going to my mission. It was a pain going to missions, being an executive is a pain.

But meh I sometimes get missions like this.

I went to the boat where Boss said I could meet the other members of the guild, apparently Kaiji was already there, blowing up the place, but I saw two gifted still alive, a pastor and somewhat a fancy mademoiselle.

I activated my ability, "The Fallen Angel", earning me black wings and undefined amount of power.

I flapped my wings hard to the two and the pastor looked up at me and glared me, "Another one of you sinners"

I grinned, "C'mon pastor, even if I am a sinner, that makes sense as you are too"

He used a sharp tool to open a cut on his palm. His ability came to me and I swiftly dodged it.

I felt a strong wind gush at me and I saw the mademoiselle being behind it. A dark violet ball of fire was formed on my hand, I threw it at the girl and she dodged it by a meter.

The ball of fire exploded and she was thrown away, being extremely wounded.

The pastor stared at her in shock, I used the chance and in a speed of light, I went behind him and stabbed him on his heart. He fell on his knees and completely collapsed.

I felt the icky feeling of blood on my (F/C) asymmetric vintage coat. I flew away from the place and on to the Port Mafia's rooftop.

"You finished your mission early" I heard a voice from behind me say, "-your wings are glorious, huh"

I smiled, "I know, ChuChu"

I heard him sigh, "C'mon, everyone is waiting".

"Hihi~! Science is the ultimate answer and the most accurate thing in the world!"

"Shut up, Kajii. And- no! You don't put those lemons in my fucking drink!"

I chuckled as I heard Tachihara and Kajii bicker and exchange talks with each other. Kouyou was sipping tea on the other corner of the room, looking outside the window with a calm and collected face. Gin was standing near the door, probably guarding and ready for any surprise attacks, although that would be impossible. Akutagawa wasn't seen anywhere or so was Higuchi, but I'm sure that they're fine.

I didn't see Elise anywhere and so is Mori, so I'd guess that they're out, probably shopping.

I looked at everyone in the room and sighed in content, even if we look like this and we do things that are out of hand, this family will continue to grow through generations. Everyone might have their hands dirty, and I'm no different, but, everyone is family and we have our reasons on why we stayed and why we joined.

We're misunderstood, but as long as this family is together, I don't care whatever the heck people tell about us.

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