Annoyed - Nakahara Chuuya

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Nakahara Chuuya

The infamous shorty executive has an irritated aura on him; scrunched face, glaring eyes, and foot tapping impatiently on the floor.

(Y/N) was talking to Dazai and they were getting all too friendly much to his dislike. They were about to go on a date when Dazai's irritating voice called out to them and because (Y/N) was an easygoing and friendly woman, she chatted with Dazai for almost thirty minutes now. 

Chuuya's girlfriend wasn't a member of the Port Mafia or the Armed Detective Agency, or any of that, she was just a normal detective who happened to work with the ADA and happened to stumble and meet with the Port Mafia executive. Through ups and downs, it was a tough ride before they got to be together but, "All's well, ends well" as they say.

Back to the present, it was obvious how the talk with Dazai would be longer than this and he doesn't have that much patience longer than this. (Y/N) insisted she would talk with Dazai a little longer because honestly they were an hour earlier for their date and so Chuuya let it slide and waited. But, it's Chuuya we're talking about, he's had enough.

"(Y/N), we should be going now." Chuuya said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him, cutting her and Dazai's conversation. 

He glared at Dazai, "Aren't you going back to your agency or something? As you can see before you butt in, that, we were about to go somewhere, just the two of us, alone." he said emphasizing some parts, obviously irritated.

Dazai just smiled and let out an amused laugh at his (without a doubt) bestfriend, "Chuuya, no need to frown, I was just having fun with (Y/N)."

Dazai says this but is obviously doing it to rile Chuuya up, their friendship is just all about Dazai bullying Chuuya, much to Chuuya's dismay. Besides, even if he cuts off all connections to Dazai, he knows that he would always be his partner no matter what he does. 'Bonds are a pain in the ass'  Chuuya once said.

"Yeah, having fun for thirty minutes." Chuuya growled with annoyance laced in his tone as Dazai laughed at him.

Dazai waved his hand and walked away, "Bye bye, (Y/N)-chan! Chuuya-kun!" he said teasingly as he walked away.

The executive huffed and walked away with (Y/N) following behind him to Yamaha motorcycle. It was obvious that Chuuya was clearly annoyed but who can blame him, standing for thirty minutes with nothing to do than look at your girlfriend with a guy you clearly despise was not something he does every day.

"Chuuya." (Y/N) called out.


He annoyingly looked back at her, "What-"

The woman pulled him into a kiss, grabbing Chuuya's collar. The executive couldn't help but be surprised as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back, taking out all his frustrations in the kiss. They kissed passionately and pulled back as they were losing their breath.

Their foreheads rested against each other as they stared at each other's eyes.

(Y/N) smiled as she pecked his lips, "Sorry about earlier, we were discussing some joint project anyways. Don't worry, I love you." she said.

Chuuya turned red with her saying 'I love you', it's not as if he doesn't know that, but it was too sudden that he couldn't help but blush. He looked away, unconsciously pouting, "I-I know that! I was just jealous and I... love you too." he whispered the last part and turned his back to her.

(Y/N) having heard what he said realized that he really was jealous if he could admit it that easily. As blunt and truthful as he is, he wouldn't say something like 'I was jealous' easily because he has his pride. Chuuya was the opposite of what he is when he was in love, and (Y/N) loved that.

She rushed to Chuuya, hooking her arms with Chuuya's as they walked to his motor with a accomplished smile on her face while Chuuya still having that annoyed blushing face he has.

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