Letter - Ranpo Edogawa

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Ranpo Edogawa

"Uhm, Ranpo-san."

The snack-loving detective looked at the person who called his gracious name. It was, as always, Kunikida standing firmly, looking at him, the great detective, with respect. Of course, Ranpo already knew that he is in fact the greatest detective out there and he was very satisfied at how Kunikida and that kid Atsushi treated him with the greatest amount of respect. No one can blame him or complain about him being a detective; he was smart and he could deduct anything without an ability making him an important asset to the Armed Detective Agency because well, it should be obvious as they are a detective agency after all.

The only thing that quite irritated some of the people (maybe most of them) was his arrogance and how he constantly orders anyone around just to shop for his most precious snacks, but, once again, they couldn't complain.

Munching on some of the contents in the bag of potato chips that was in his hand, he turned and spoke in a muffled voice.

"What is it Kunikida?", he lazily put his elbow on the desk and rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, "Another case?"

The said man shrugged as he took out a letter from his breast pocket and laid it out on the detective's desk. Kunikida spoke in a calming manner as he looked at the man before him, "Apparently there was a letter directed to you, Ranpo-san. I haven't checked the contents in it so you don't have to worry, but if you need anything regarding about who sent it, there was no address on the sender."

Ranpo just fumbled with the letter, examining it. The letter was in a vintage kind of envelope with a rose seal, it oozes a smell kind of like those old books you see in the library, in short, it was quite pleasant. The seal was familiar also, Ranpo thought but he couldn't quite place of who might have sent it.

"Yes, yes, thank you Kunikida." he said as he shoos Kunikida away with a matching hand gesture that the glasses-wearing man complied.

As Kunikida's footsteps gradually became less and less audible, he opened the sealed envelope with a trusty cutter. In the envelope was a parchment paper, whoever sent this was a vintage lover, that was for sure, but he felt something that wasn't quite right. Reading the contents would provide him clues and the real purpose of the letter being sent to him, that's what he thought.

"An endless cycle of unwavering suffering,
The imaginary warmth of comfort,
Should one desire the excuse to live?

Why should you fight the shackles of death?

What does one need to be able to live even with death?"

Ranpo was taken aback from the first sentences of the letter. He could already deduct that the sender was a writer, it's not actually because of the words written but the way of writing and... he just knows.

"The world is an endless maze; a special labyrinth.
I have always fell for its traps, I cannot escape even with my mistakes.
I am... afraid, I might have fallen for another one of its traps. Is it though? Its warmth is different- I cannot judge, I cannot see his danger.

He had taught me the means of living, the means of happiness.
My way of thinking was changed by a certain man, he is not great through any means, he is childish and has no sense of direction whatsoever.

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