Nowhere - Atsushi Nakajima

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Based off of an urban myth called Kirisagi Station.

Atsushi Nakajima

Atsushi didn't know how he was in this neverending train, everyone was asleep, a weird occurrence he thought. It was late at night; the scenery outside of the fast train was nothing but darkness, something that isn't entirely suspicious, but the fact that this train was on the road for almost an hour, bothers Atsushi. Beginning to feel suspicious, weird, and slightly scared, he looked outside and turned to the passengers, he figured he should wake one of them. The white-haired boy timidly walked to the girl he first saw and poked her. This didn't seem to wake her up, and so Atsushi murmurs "I'm so sorry" and shook the (H/C)-haired girl.

This seems to wake her up as she jolted up and blankly looked at the young man who shook her out of her slumber. 

Blinking blankly, the girl stood up suddenly and turned her head to Atsushi, which the boy flinched at. The girl looked at Atsushi, face unreadable as Atsushi sweat drops, forming tons of apologies in his head.

"Um, I'm very sorry but, I was gonna ask you if you know what destination are we, I thought I had a train to Keikyu's Station but it's been an hour and this is a bullet train-"

As Atsushi rambled on, the train suddenly stopped. And as if a switch was turned on, the girl who blankly stared at nothing turned to Atsushi with an eyes-closed cheerful smile. 

She stood up straight and turned to face Atsushi, "Ah! You must've took the wrong train! But it's okay, I know a station near here that can lead you to where you should be." she says with a smile. The doors of the train opened suddenly, coincidentally even. Atsushi was beginning to feel more suspicious and looked at the girl who walked outside of the train.

"If I may ask, what station did we stop?" Atsushi carefully asked, still standing with a nervous smile in his face, not taking a step out of the train.

The girl smiled, (E/C) eyes devoid of emotion as she stared at Atsushi's.

"Kirisagi Station."

Atsushi froze; muscles tensed, face contracted to shock, and heart pumping wildly. He had heard of that name before, but he couldn't remember where. Was it from a hear saying? A story perhaps?

But what he does know is that Kirisagi Station doesn't exist.

Gulping a lump that formed in his throat, the male thought deeply about what he should do. The thought of Kirisagi Station repeating like a loop in his mind. Where had he heard of it? Where? Where?-

There! He had remembered!

Kirisagi Station- an urban myth. He had heard of it, he didn't believe in those things back then at his orphanage, but with the whole tiger fiasco, he came to believe that there are more to the world than what meets the eye. 

He figured it was the same as the unexplainable, but why is he walking outside of the train?

As if his legs had its own mind, he had walked outside of the train without having a second thought of it. Though his mind was constantly sending out danger signals, his body doesn't listen. Did this happen to the girl back then? But it seemed that the girl had went out of the train on her own as per the myth was told. 

He walked outside, not noticing the disappearance of the people in the train.

Atsushi followed the girl in the darkness; mountains and plain fields in the scenery and the quiet chilling spookiness of the atmosphere. The (H/C) girl hummed as she lead the way, a sweet melody but a blank tone enveloping his ears.


A loud bang of a drum surprised him, looking left and right. 


A patterned bang of drums got closer and closer to his ears. Atushi thought of going back to the train, but his whole senses screamed that if he turned back, it was all over.

"Let me tell you a story, Atsushi-kun." the unknown girl started, "I had also been in your shoes you know, but that was a whole lot of years ago." Smile unwavering with the sound of drums loudly nearing, she stopped.

"Where are we going?" Atsushi asked in a scared hesitant tone. The girl only laughed as she turned to look at him.

Atsushi then felt his consciousness fading as he maintained his balance.

The smile that she had worn the whole time, dropped as she looked at Atsushi with eyes devoid of emotion and blocked of any common sense.


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