Flowery Pain - Akutagawa Ryunosuke

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Hanahaki : a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Coughing up the last bits of lotus petals, she flushed down the flowery bloody mess she made to the toilet and proceeded to go out of the cubicle. The only noise in the women's bathroom was the fast pouring of tap water and hands cleaning and making their way to the mouth of the lone woman looking at the big rectangular mirror.

(Y/N) didn't like it; how she constantly go in between work hours to hurriedly go to the bathroom, coughing up lotus flowers for a couple of minutes. The taste of blood—metallic and peculiar, had always left an uncomfortable aftertaste on her tongue these past few weeks. How she got the disease, she knows but it was hard to believe it at first.

Having an unrequited love with a nemesis wasn't something she wanted in the first place.

It all probably begun in the aftermath of the last joint fight with the Armed Detective Agency with the Port Mafia to defeat The Guild. An exhausted (Y/N) was sitting on a bench when she heard hard coughs behind her. She saw the infamous Akutagawa almost falling and passing out as he walks: he was obviously having a hard time.

She knew the guy, who would not? He was famous for being the 'dog' of the mafia and the incident with Atsushi. Akutagawa Ryunosuke was powerful with his ability, 'Rashomon'.

And so, the woman wondered, how did that amazingly powerful guy looked so exhausted?

Of course she couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Though he might be some of the few enemies out there, she didn't have any mission to kill him or to hurt him. For now, in her eyes, he was a normal person who's in need of help.

Approaching a little slowly, (Y/N) was searching for something in her coat as she crouches down to a kneeling Akutagawa. "Need some help?" she asked as she brought out a water container from who knows where in her pockets, reaching it out to the poor guy.

Akutagawa looked at her suspiciously and activated his Rashomon before she could get any closer to him, making (Y/N) jump back.

"You're from that Detective Agency, what do you want?" tone suspicious and eyes glaring, Akutagawa eyed (Y/N) with suspect.

(Y/N) held her hands up, "I'm trying to help you, and don't worry. I won't make any move like trying to wound you or kill you, I don't wanna do something so cowardly and unjust when I don't even have orders to." she said shrugging, "I just wanna help a person who's suffering before me, and wouldn't ya like that?"

The man sneered at her, "I don't trust anything you say, with your water ability, while I'm drinking that water you offered, you might do something with it. It might even be poisoned."

The woman sighed, it was true that you can't just trust someone especially if that someone was from an opposing company but he was coughing up pretty badly. (Y/N) wasn't the type of woman to poison her own water container; missions make you thirsty and besides, she has that poisoned water container in her other pocket. The one she's holding is her personal water container.

"Fine, I'll drink it and you'll see that it's not poisoned, and if it isn't, you drink it you stubborn brat." she said then drinks some of the water she was holding.

Akutagawa eyed her suspiciously and after seeing that there was no signs of poison, he put out his Rashomon before nodding and letting the girl come closer and let him drink the water.

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