She - Mark Twain

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𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒚

Mark Twain

(Y/N) strolled at the hallways of The Guild's headquarters wearing her (F/C) bell sleeve dress wearing her all so famous vintage round sunglasses and (F/C) shoes. There's a reason why she wears her sunglasses, it's all because of her ability "The Emerald Sytherin".

Whenever she looks at someone in the daylight without her sunglasses, she could turn them into stone and can only go back to normal if she snaps her fingers. It's a different case in the nighttime though, if she takes off her sunglasses, her emerald eyes would glow and with or without looking at her targets in the room, she could easily turn them into stone.

The woman went to the fancy conference room of the place, making people look at her. Fitzgerald chuckled

"You're ten minutes late (Y/N), very much unlike you" he said looking at her at the end of the table.

She just grinned at him and sat down at her usual seat, which was in between of Margaret and Lucy, and shrugged, "Just continue, old man".

Fitzgerald shook his head, "We'll proceed to your issues later, (Y/N), as for now, we will be continuing our meeting" he said and she nodded feeling a pair of eyes on her which she knew whose, and she knew that person all too well.

But first, she got to finish this meeting and her conversation with her father later.

"I suppose you spent the whole night with Mark— aren't I right, (N/N)" Fitzgerald asked his precious daughter, sipping the tea he was holding and the (H/C) haired female ate her (F/F) cake.

She shrugged, "You know me, father, no need to talk to me about these things, and besides," she munched her cake, "-you know about me and Mark's relationship, no need to go and confirm things"

"Still, I can't help it," he put the tea cup on top of its small plate, "-you're the one who's still sane, after all what happened to your sister and your mother" he said in a low voice which she stopped on putting her cake in her mouth mid-air. She slowly put the cake back to the plate, thinking back on what happened to their family.

It's tragic alright.

Her father was all she had, with her mother still not be able to process things with the death of her sister, she had to stick with him in finding that book.

And fortunately they found the city where it was: Yokohama.

She went back to her office and saw her significant other looking bored out of his mind, playing with the ballpen of her desk. She giggled at him and his eyes looked up at her.

He stood up and engulfed her with a hug then kissing her which she happily put her arms around his neck.

Pulling away from the kiss, the orange haired guy flicked her nose.

She scrunched her nose, "What the blue cheese was that for, Mark?"

He smiled at her, "That was for leaving me bored," he pecked her forehead, "-but I still love you" he let out an exaggerated sigh.

(Y/N) smacked his arm which he groaned at. She giggled at the orange haired guy, "Father just had to talk to me, I can't do anything about that"

"Yeah, 'bout the 'you-are-late' thingy. He probably thought about the reason, and speaking of which— are you still sore?" he said causing (Y/N) to blush madly and smacking him lots of times which he just laughed at.

"Gosh, you're embarassing me, ugh!" she said hitting Mark once again, "I'll turn you into stone one more time if you say anything embarrassing again"

He laughed hard, "Okay, okay! No need to go Medusa on me, okay?"

She let out a small 'hmp' which he chuckled at, thinking how cute she was. He turned the (H/C) haired female to him and kissed her once again.

"I love you"

"I love you, too, Mark"

Being pointed at guns by suited men and being constantly watched by the Black Lizard of the Port Mafia was the current situation of (Y/N) (L/N).

"We got her cornered sir," Hirotsu said to the earpiece in his ear, "-this will be finished in no time".

He earned a chuckle from Mori, "Don't judge the girl so fast, Hirotsu-san," Hirotsu looked at the grinning girl, "-she's one of the most prized possessions of The Guild— let alone be Fitzgerald's daughter".

"My, my" (Y/N) said with a smile. She walked forward just by three steps and put a hand on her hip, "what a number we have".

"You already know you're not getting away, surrender already" Hirotsu said and this caused (Y/N) to chuckle looking at him with her eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

"I'm not sure if you can say that," she said, looking at the moonlight by the window of the abandoned warehouse, "-especially if it's this time of the day".

Closing her eyes, she took off her sunglasses and opened them again, her emerald eyes glowing.

All the men in suits turned into stone, having the Black Lizard left in front of her.

"The thing I'm happy is," she started, "-I can control my ability in the night, even with looking at people, if not the target" she said.

Gin then throwed daggers at her and jumped to her back, (Y/N) effortlessly dodged by jumping and did a cartwheel backwards, hitting Gin in that case.

Hirotsu, about to activate his ability, when suddenly turned into stone.

'What's this? Have I been turned to stone?'

"Yes, you have," she said walking towards him, "-since you are turned into stone, I can hear your thoughts, and can also manipulate you if I wanted to." she smirked

She then sighed and looked at the two other members of the Black Lizard who also have been turned into stone, "I'd wish it if you didn't underestimate me in the first place, anyways, where's the-"

She yelped in pain as she felt a quick ting of pain on her waist, she looked and there was a poisoned needle, something that Gin put earlier at the combat.

"Damn it!-" Her knees weakened and she fell on her right knee, trying to take the needle out.

She felt a presence behind her, she looked behind and there was a man about to stab her when the man was shot by some shooter.

She can hear Mark's voice by the ear piece,

"Are you alright?!"

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Do I look like I can live in just a few hours?"

"Gosh- wait there!"

She heard footsteps rushing to the warehouse and saw a blurry figure by the opening. She was about to go and run up to the figure when she collapsed and all she heard was her beloved's voice shouting her name.

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