The Beginning

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You grew up in a rough, worn down area. As a woman living on the street, it was very dangerous. You stayed low, and kept your head down. You were a great thief, and you began to make a name for yourself.

You started by stealing food from the shops, then you moved on to wallets and purses from unsuspecting wealthy people walking to work. With the money you stole, you bought nicer clothes, so you could blend in - pretend to be a wealthy woman on her way to work- because no one suspects a middle class woman to be a problem. And those where the people who you stole from first.

You didn't come across as a thief, or someone to be cautious of, and that just made you better at what you done. After a while, stealing purses was getting too easy, and you wanted a challenge. You robbed cars. Broke into houses. Robbed banks. You managed to become very wealthy in a short amount of time. But once again- the life bored you. You wanted to do something that made you heart beat fast whenever you thought about it, and pushed you to your limits. You wanted to test your self- because you didn't know how far you could go. And that exited you.

You were quite famous on the streets. You had a small, dingy house behind an ally way. It was falling apart. Despite your wealth, it was perfect for you, because it was generally thought to be abandoned. No one would come here. It was a dump.

One day you were approached by a man, dressed in black. he asked you to do him a favour. He new of your reputation and needed someone just like you.  He asked you to kill someone. And for a lot of money too. You couldn't say no.

From then on, you became known as the huntress on the streets. A serial killer, with no limits and you would never be caught. You had over a Duson assassinations to your name in a year. And there was no stopping you. You were soon high on the wanted list- and even made an appearance on shield's raidar. Even the Avengers knew who you were. You finaly found something you would stick at. And it was amazing.

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