The beginning.

411 15 9

(Slight smut. :) )

you took his hand and lead him upstairs

You turned to look in his eyes. He was beginning to put some weight back on, so he wasn't so skinny. It was obvious he had been working out, as his arms and stomach were ripped.

You stared into his eyes, and he looked at you, and you both found yourself leaning in. This time you were not interrupted by your phone, and your lips connected. It was full of love and lust. It started slow and love filled, and then it got heated.

Your hands travelled from his shoulders to his abs. He put his hands on your lower back, and pulled you closer to him. You pulled apart to breath, and took his hand once again. You smiled at his shocked expression, and pulled him up the stairs. You reached your bedroom, and he pushed you against the door shutting it, and pulled the jumper over your head. 

Your lips moved against his in sink, and his hands went up your t-shirt, stroking circles into your stomach. Your hands went through his hair, pushing your self onto him. He turned you around and pushed you onto the bed.   He crawled up on the bed, moving his hands from your thighs up to your breasts.

He breathed against your neck as you looked up  giving him access. He moved a strand of hair from your face and kissed down your neck. your hands went to the belt on his trousers and unbuckled it slowly. He moaned against your neck, and you unzipped them and tugged on them. He swung his  legs over the bed and pulled them off, leaving him in his boxers. he crawled back over to you and took off your shirt and your shorts. He lent down and connected your lips again. You were both smiling into the kiss, and you decided to change it up.

You grabbed his shoulders and flipped you both over, so you were on top. He had lust in his eyes, as your hands went to the band of his pants. His hands unclipped your bra, and he pulled the cover over the both of you. Both pairs of pants were soon being thrown across the room.


You laid your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. His arm was wrapped around you, and you were cuddling into his side. You felt warm and in love- like you had never felt before.

"don't ever leave me (Y/N), I love you too much for you to leave me as well."

"I wont leave you Tony, Ever."



he leant over and kissed you again. pulling you on top of him once more, pushing you up on to your knee's with his hands on your upper leg.

"round two?" he asked.

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