The start of Eternity

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You woke up how you had fallen asleep. You both had a wonderful night sleep, and was content. You were laying in his muscular arms, and you started to stir. Tony was already awake and was looking down at your beautiful face, looking so peaceful when you slept.

"you really are beautiful." He whispered.


2 weeks later


You woke up next to Tony. The light was seeping in through the window and you felt happy. You had a horrible feeling in your stomach suddenly- and you ran to the bathroom, and threw up last night dinner. You had a horrible headache and you began gagging again. Suddenly, you felt a warm hand rubbing your back. You whipped your mouth with some tissue, threw it in the toilet and flushed it.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, I feel okay now. How are you feeling- if this is a bug or food poisoning then you will probably gonna get it to."

"well I feel fine."


he pulled you into his chest and hugged you. and then went to bed after a few minutes.


The next day


The same thing happened again. You were sick, and you ddint want to wake Tony so you ran downstairs to the toilet down there.

You decided to go to the shops to check a hunch. You walked into the pharmacist and bought a pregnancy test. You drove back home and done it. The outcome would change your life forever.

You wrapped up the test in a small box. You started to cook dinner for the two of you. Tony was still upstairs, so you managed to get he majority of it down before he came down the stairs in a pair of boxer's. He wrapped his arms around your waist and asked how you were feeling this morning.

"fine thank you. must have been a bug. I'm making dinner, thought we could have a quiete night in."

"what else are we gonna do? im dead remember."

you laughed and turned around kissing him. "I know and i'm sorry, but.."

"don't be sorry." he looked at the food you were cooking. " looks great,"

"yeah, you better go, I need to finish this, then we will enjot this dinner together."


Later the evening


You put on a fairly tight dress, it was a light blue, matching the colour of your eyes. You looked at the box and put it in the pocket of your dress. You went down, seeing tony sitting in the living room, wearing a suit and tie. You called him into the dinning room, and sat at opposite sides of the table. Yu both ate the food, and talked for the whole evening. It was as close to a date as ou were getting.

When you were both finished you passed hi the box. He stared at it and smiled.

"is it our anniversary?"

"no, I just thought I would surprise you. But if you don't like it I can always.." he looked up at you I shock. Then he looked really happy.

" you, Your pregnant."

"you couldn't meat his eye. thinking he hated you.

"I'm sorry."

he jumped up from the table and hugged you close to him.

"I'm gonna be a dad. Oh my god, we are going to be parents."

You were going to a mother with Tony Stark.

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