New Uncle.

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You entered the house from th back. You found tony crying in your room.


"why would you bring HIM here?" he shouted "he wanted me dead- over some accords."

"if it wasn't for him, we never would have met."

|"I don't want him anywhere near you, or my daughter." He spoke with authority, which you soon changed.

"talk to him." you said. "or I will make you. And you wouldn't want that. " you spoke coldly, making him shiver.

"fine- okay fine, ill talk to him. "


you watched with Bucky in front of the window as the two former friends spoke.

"did I do the right thing?" you asked.

"they were both carrying it around with them. I think thye needed to talk- get it off their chests" then you watched as tony punched Steve, and he fell to the floor, you went to go and help, but Bucky stopped you.

"don't, they need to do it themselves

then tony turned around and walked away...


"Tony wait, im sorry."

"too late."

"tony please, I have never felt so guilt.."

"you hired and assassin to have me killed. you should."

"tony, you were my friend, and I'm sorry. Pepper was he one who had the idea. She convinced me that the only way the world would be safe was if you were dead. The team missed you. They mourned for you, and so did I. As soon as It happened I knew Pepper only done it to get the company. I should have known tony. And i'm sorry."

tony helped steve up, "i'm sorry too. I should have never trusted you, or anyone else. I have a family now, and i cant let you ruin that."

"then let me help. I want to show you how sorry I really am."

"fine, do you want to meet Bucky?"


Tony walked into the living room with Steve following behind with a black eye. Tony was smirking slightly at the sight of the wounded soldier, but felt a little bit guilty for hurting him.

"Steve, meet Bucky, Bucky meet Steve. I believe everyone knows each other."

"hi, " Bucky shook Steve's hand. "nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too Bucky" Steve said.


soon enough you were all sitting around the table, talking and laughing. This was definitely something you never saw happening when you first met the men. Jamie was passed around theroom, ending with Tony handing her to Steve. He held her in his strong embrace,and even Tony felt comfortable with it.

Tony took you outside to talk to you.

"Steve would make a good uncle." he said.

" are you joking? you punched him few hours ago."

"Yes y, but that was years worth of resentment towards him showing itself, that's gone now. he is my friend- and I think he likes Jamie."

you agreed. " okay, if you are sure." tony ran off to tell them the good news.

You walked into your house, finally completed. In your living room, sat your husband, Bucky and Steve holding your daughter. You watched them all talk and get on well, both with each other and with Jamie. You watched them, finally feeling like this is what everything had been leading too. Your husband, looked happy and so did your daughter. You stood in the door way, and over looked the interactions. Your daughter had an amazing father, and 2 brilliant uncles.

This was the point of the assassination.

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