First Meeting

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She called you. You woke with a start, jumping forward to grab the phone.


"i called earlier, is it okay if I send someone down to meet you. He wants to go through the plan, he can give you some details to help. We want this done smoothly, nothing can go wrong."

"Darling, I've been doing this all my life. There's nothing to worry about. Where do you plan to meet?"

"behind the Italian Resturant the one...."

"yes, I know the place. I'll be waiting at 12. Be there. Ask for a cigarette. Ill know who he is."

"Good luck. if he askes, its pepper."

She hung up. You dressed in a long black coat, with sterdy black boots. Leather gloves were in your hands, and you left the house, pulling your hood over your head to hind as much of your face as possible, making your way to the agreed place. You were there at 12. You waited for a figure to appear. You were about to leave, when a tall, dark figure came towards you.

" you don't have a cigarette do you.?" you looked up at the man. He didn't seem the sort to be wanting your services,


"yes, she called." You pulled off the hood, standing in front of the man.

"they told me you're the guy to see."
"for what?"


" the plan?."

"you ever heard of Tony Stark?"


"He needs to go."

"are you sure. He seems to be quite busy fighting within his team. The captain should kill him before I get there. 10 millions a lot for a worthless man like Stark. "

"he isn't worthless, just In the way."

"oh yeah?"

"Yes. You watch the news. You seem to know a lot about it. He needs to go, end of. Can you do it or should I get someone else?" he voice hardened.

"look, you don't seem like the normal type to ask for my help. Are you sure you want this, because as soon as he's gone- he ain't coming back. And it you will have that with you 'till the day you die. You sure this is the right way forward."

He pulled the hood down, removed the cap and glasses. He was blonde and had dashing blue eyes. Then something, clicked. The man in front of you asking you to kill Tony Stark was the one and only- Captain America.

" he needs to go. "

"wasn't he our friend?"

"was. You still gonna do it?"

"if your sure. you say yes, and that's it. He's as good as dead."

he looked nervous. And guilty.

" yes."

It was done. Tony Stark was a dead man.

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