Uncle Bucky

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The next day you were all on your way home. You and tony were sitting in the back with the baby, while Bucky drove you home.

"thanks Bucky, for everything." you said. If it wasn't for him, Tony wouldn't have know what to do. He even bought some clothes for you and the bag in the bag he had prepared.

"no problem, it was my pleasure."

He pulled up in the drive way, and Tony helped you out. You walked into the house, and it was decorated with 'welcome home baby Stark' banners. You looked at the two men who smirked at each other. "it was Bucky idea, I got JARVIS to do it while we were in the hospital. He's gonna be a great uncle." he whispered the last part I your ear while he took you in his arms and sat you on the sofa. Bucky was standing there awkwardly blushing.

"I'll leave you to get settled." he turned to leave and you turned round in shock. Tony reacted before you could.

"oh no your not. Uncle Bucky's got a lot of jobs to do. We need help with the name."

he smiled broadly, and was guided next to you on the sofa by Tony.

You held your baby girl In your arms. Rocking her gently, then you looked at Bucky and smiled- holding her out to him. He looked shocked but took her anyway. You and Tony exchanged a look and watched Bucky happily cooing at your child. He bounced her around and was nearly in tears looking at your wonderful child.

"I hope you under stand Bucky.." You started but were interrupted by Bucky himself.

"of course, ill be out of your way and..."

"that you will be needed here most of the time. So you better get used to it."

Tears escaped his eyes and he held your daughter closer to his chest, before returning her to you.

"you're not going to regret this- I promise."

"we know Bucky, that why.. we want you to be her godparent." Tony said, looking at you for reassurance. You smiled and nodded. Bucky attacked Tony in a hug, which obviously shocked Tony- as eh was reluctant to hug back- but soon enough he gave in an hugged him back.

"thank you. Oh, I have a surprise for both of you. I hope you don't mind." he took you by the hand and walked you into The baby's nursery. You walked in , and it was beautiful. The walls were a light purple colour, the cot was set in front of a large window with pieces of silk coming from the ceiling cting as a curtain for it. There were shelves on the wall with soft toys on them, and there were a few chairs around the room with a large rug in the middle of the floor.

"as soon as I knew it was a girl- I wanted to make the room. I snuck out last nigh and done it. I hope you like it."

you had your hand over your mouth, and tony ran to him and attacked him in a hug.

"how could you ever doubt your ability to be an uncle?" he said. Your gonna be like a second father- but jut not as good." you were all laughing and crying.

You left the room and picked up your daughter. You took her into her room and placed her I the cot.

"thanks uncle. she loves it."

"I have a name!" tony shouts " What about Jamie?"

you looked over the side of the cot. "goodnight Jamie."

"named after her brilliant uncle," Tony said, once again putting an arm around Bucky.

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