Another Call

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You looked at him and he looked back at you. Your gazes locked and you both found yourself leaning in.


Your phone rang from outside and you immediately jumped away from Tony. You ran out and answered the phone.

" hello,"

" I have a favour I need to ask."

" yes"

" there's a guy..."

" there's always a guy."

" and I need him gone,"

" okay"

" he will be driving to work, tomorrow. It's your best bet."

" got the plate."

" FJ85 YXK." ( random, nothing inpaticular)

" how much?"

" 1 million"

" he's as good as dead."

You put the phone down and walked back down the stairs, seeing Tony looking down.

" your leaving,"

" only for a few days"

" how much?"

" a million"

" how much did pepper give you?"

"  Tony..."

" how much."


"10 what?"

" 10 million."

" you've got 10 million?"

" am I multimillionaire,"

" I bet."

You looked at him m sympatheticly. You had to leave him, but he needed to be fed. You couldn't have happened m wondering the house. You needed help.

" Tony I am gonna ask someone to stat here while I'm gone. Okay. Otherwise you will starve. I'm gonna leave tonight,"

" even you're leaving me.." He whispered

" I coming back Tony. It will only be for a few days."

" please come back."

" Tony I promise."

You turned to walk out, but you were pulled back. You found yourself in Tony's embrace,
" please come back. You're the only one I've got left."
You stroked his back as he sobbed into your neck.
" I need to make a phone call. "

" hello,"

" Buck it's (y/n)."

" hello, it's been a while."

" yeah I know I need a favour."

" what"

" I need you to come over, I have s hostage that needs feeding- can't have him starving to death- it'll be too easy."

" alright hon, I'll be there. Tonight?"

" yeah,"

" see ya,"


That night you left. You had a bag packed already and as soon as Bucky arrived you hugged him, and left.

You trusted Bucky with tony- and you hoped and preyed everything would be alright.

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