The Baby

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Thank you sooo much for all the views, comments and votes!!! There is only a few chapter left..... hope you all enjoy!!!


It was a normal Thursday evening. You were cuddling against Tony eating a bowl of ice cream and custard, while Bucky was out buying more ice cream and custard. You felt your eyes getting heavy and soon you went limp against Tony's side. He picked you up gently and carried you upstairs to you room, where he laid you down on the bed, kissed your forehead and your stomach, saying goodnight to both of you, and pulling the covers over your body.

He laid down next to you, admiring your sleeping features. And soon enough he was asleep next to you. He woke a few hours later at the sound o the door opening and closing. He slowly got up from the bed- picking up the at from his side, which he kept there just in case this ever happened. He crept down the stairs and held the bat high.

He rounded the corner, to see the figure hunched over the fridge, moving things around. The figure turned around and was visably shocked to see Tony standing there ready to beat him with a bat.

"Tony, what are you doing?" He move and turned on the light- to see a tired looking tony standing there holding a fairly heavy bat above his head.

"Bucky?" he looked at Bucky standing there shocked.

"why are you in my house at," he looked at his watch, " 3 in the morning?"

"well, the shop was shut, so I had to drive into town to go to one of those 24 hour places to et the ice cream and custard. I thought it would be better to put it in your freezer- seeing as mine isn't plugged in yet." he said, slightly scared of the man in front of him still holding the bat nna menacing position. How the tables have turned.

"oh, Thanks Bucky,"

"no problem- you van erm, you can put the vat down now." he said.

" oh, yeah, sorry. " he put the bat down, but then a scream echoed from upstairs. The two men looked at each other , before hey both race up stairs to see what was happening-  worrying about you. Tony swung open the door and saw you sitting on the edge of the bed, holding your stomach. Bucky was there seconds later, "her waters have broken." He said, knowing more about tis than Tony. He has read multiple books and articles on pregnacy, and he was more prepared than Tony.

Tony stood there shocked, so Bucky pushed past and helped you up.

"Stark, get  the car, we are go into the hospital, unless you want the baby being born here."

Tony was pulled back into reality and ran downstairs, picking up the car keys and opening the door for you and Bucky. He spend off as soon as you and Bucky were safely in the back seat. Bucky was comforting you and holding your hand. Tony was intent on getting you to the hospital.

When you got there, Bucky helped you out, But before Tony could get out you stopped him. " Tony if they see you.." you didn't finish your sentence- he was in tears.

"I cant be there to hold the baby." you exchanged glances with Bucky. He remembered something he had done when he knew you were pregnant. In ever car he had put some supplies- including a discuise for Tony.

He ran back round, with a large bag. He pulled out a pair of glasses, and blonde hair chalk. "here," he passed tony the glasses, and quickly rubbed the chalk in his hair. He didn't look like tony stark.

He put the bag on Tony shoulder and helped you into the hospital.


A cry echoed through the corridor. Bucky was waiting out side, while you and tony were in the delivery room. He was waiting to see his niece or nephew. Tears welled in his eyes when he heard the cry. Soon enough, he was aloud in, he saw you holding a bundle of blankets, with tony next to you with a hand underneath yours. He ran over to the other side of the bed to see the huge blue eyes of the infant looking straight at him. Tony was in tears- as were you- where that was because of the child or the pain, he didn't know.

There was a new Stark now.

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