The Call

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You woke up, looked around your damp bedroom, and sighed. For a multimillionaire, you didn't have a great house. You wanted another job. You were bored. You were jet to be caught. They new you were a woman, because after job, you would taunt the police, by sending them letters, an idea you got from 'Jack the Ripper'. And it was great.

You were watching the news, there was a report on your last victim. It went on for a while, explaining the death and how he went missing over 2 months ago, and his body as found 2 days ago. Just as you planned. So far there was no evidence to find the murderer and they managed to link him to your previous kills from the letters. This time you told the police where th bod was, they were taking too long, not understanding the clues too well. Idiots.

You had zoned out, thinking about what you were planning to do today, and a report came on explaining the situation of the avengers. They were in the middle of a Civil war, and where too busy fighting each other to worry about a serial killer. The police couldn't do it on their own- another reason you decided to help them. You were engrossed in the report. Unable to understand where it all went wrong.

Two men were doing what they believed in- why were they determined from stopping the other? it was pointless. The world needed it's protectors to stay together- surly it was more important to stay together, than how they would stay together. But you were talking about Captain America, and Tony Stark. The billionaire was extremally stubborn.

You turned off the TV, and settled down on your uncomfortable sofa, and was deep in thought. How could the Captain America become a war criminal? You nearly didn't hear your burner phone ring. You reached over and grabbed it, flipping it open and answering it.


" I need a favour?" A woman voice echoed through the apartment.

"yes, "

"I need someone gone, with no traces." Another one. You wondered how she got your number, and why she wanted someone gone. You wondered who it was and who she wanted gone and why.

"how much?" A question that you always asked, but you didn't really care about the money- you just wondered how badly they wanted the job done.

"10, 000,000" Badly. She either really wanted or needed this guy dead. Who's death is worth 10 million. Must be someone quite important- or she was just extremally rich and spoilt- used to getting everything she wants. And expected to get away with murder. You really didn care. It was a job, and it kept you entertained.

"done. I'LL keep in touch" You hung up and sighed. You would call her back later on. You were tired.

You put the phone back down on the table and relaxed into the flat cushions on the sofa. You smiled to your self. Those where your favourite phone calls.This was going o be easy. You were about to become very rich.

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