The plan

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The plan was simple. Kill Tony Stark- and leave no traces of the man. The woman who called- pepper, was his girlfriend. She would be paying for his death. Steve- the one who needed him dead, would be the one to explain him to you. Tony's friend- Rhodney , would be the one to get him on the plane, that would inevitably crash. You would be there to get him safely off.

You would have a truck in a secure place where you would transport Stark to your prison. Where he would die.

You had information from Steve. Tony's a playboy. He would be taking Pepper's place on a business trip. Surrounded by his female stewardess'. Typical. You would be one of the pilots- away from him during the journey. Your plan was to get him out over the desert. Your truck was there waiting. Everything was timed to perfection to get this done. This would be your first kill that wouldn't be put next to your name. An unknown Assassination by the huntress. First time for everything.

You had spoken to all of them individually, Rhodney and pepper were there for Tony during hard times in his life- and they both felt used and unappreciated. Steve just needed him out of the way because of the accords. He was a selfish, stuck up man who deserved hat he was getting. He was responsible for many deaths, even before he was ironman- while he was selling nucular weapons to some of the most dangerous, wanted men for a good profit.

You didn't normally have a personal connection to your victims- but this time you couldn't help hating the man. You told them he would be killed after you landed, but you would kill him slowly. That's why the truck is involved. They think you would be transporting the body, but he would just be knocked out.

The plan is for you to meet Pepper before you get on the plan. You would go straight to the pilot seat, and wait there for take off. You were warned he would be late. Then there would be terbilance. You would run out, get tony and jump off. You would knock him ut, transport him to your ' prison' and go from there. Pepper would give you the money after it's done. The world would be certain, Tony Stark died on a plane crash. Something told you he wouldn't be missed much.

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