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You held Jamie in your arms as you walked down the street. It was a street you hadnt seen for a long time. You didnt tell Tony or Bucky you were going- you just left. You had been haunted by nightmares all week- and you knew what you had to do.

You walked up to the avengers tower. You watched as people walked in and out of thebusy building. Then you saw the person you came here for.

He noticed you nearly straight away and ran across the road to greet you.

"what are you doing here, with a baby?" he asked.

"nice to see you to Steve."

"why are you here? I feel guilty enough without you coming and dragging up old memory's.

"how's pepper. Still grieving?"

"no. she moved on pretty quickly. you still haven't answered my question"

"this is my daughter, Jamie." you said.

she looked up at he super soldier and smiled at him. He instantly softened and smiled back at her.

"who's the father?"

"now your asking the right questions."

he looked at you. and you looked down.

"look, I'm only telling you this because I know you blame your self for what happened- and that it would have been easier to just work things out with Stark- but- I couldn't do it."

"what, he lowered his voice and looked around to make sure no one was looking or listening t what you were saying. he dragged you over to a quiet ally.

"Tony's still alive.... and... "

"yes, say hello to Jamie Stark."

"can I see him?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea. He doesn't know I'm here. He wouldn't want to see you anyway. He was a mess when I took him. He cried every night- not understanding why his girlfriend and best friend would pay 10 million to have him killed. " Steve looked guilty.

"I I didn't know it would be so bad. I mean, I killed people before- but they were hydra, never a friend. Even though I didn't do it myself. I want to see him- to apologise. Please."

"he'd hate me." t

"then why did you come here? "

"I don't know. it was bothering me. And I wanted to thank you. You gave me the chance to meet my husband. I have never been happier. I have Tony, Bucky and Jamie. an its all down to you. That's why I wanted to come.

don't tell pepper- even if tony isn't after the company - she would probably do something..."

"no I'm not telling anyone, but I would like to see him. "



you put Jamie in the backseat and then drove home with Steve next to you.

"how is he?"

"good- we live with Bucky, he's like my brother, and he is Jamies unle and godparent."

"good, im glade he's happy.

Do you think he will forgive me?"

"I don't even know if h will forgive me." He smiled at yiu.

"thank you for this."


You pulled up in your drive, you had already sent Tony a text saying that you were bringing someone round, and he was waiting wearing the same glasses and blonde hair chalk when Jamie was born.

Steve looked at you unsure. Tony was a lot bigger than when he was ironman. He was wearing a tight black tank top, showing off his muscles.

"is that Tony?" he asked

"yeah, he changed."

"he's blonde."

"its hair chalk- to hid his identity."

"oh, right."

you got out of the car, walking straight to Tony, "please don't hate me." he looked confused, then he saw Steve get out of your truck. He looked at you in disbelief, and back at Steve.

He turned around and slammed the door behind him.

"told you." you said, you took Jamie out of the car and took her round to Bucky.

You left her with him, explaining to him that you needed someone to look after hr while you sorted something out- and he was happy to have her.

Steve was heart broken- but what did he expect?

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