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You up in shock. Did you fall asleep with Tony in your arms. You looked around the dimly lit room. You let go of Tony and left. You didn't want that awkward encounter. You went upstairs and made breakfast, making him a cup of coffee as well, knowing he loved coffee. You took it down stairs to him and he was already sitting on the chair by the table.

His eyes shone when he saw you. "I made you coffee, " you said and his eyes lit up.

"coffee? I love coffee." you smiled at his enthusiasm and placed the cup in front of him along with his plate of breakfast. He sipped the coffee and groaned.

"this is the best cup of coffee I have ever had."  you laughted

"your telling me- that's the best coffee you've ever had- genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? - was made by me?" you asked.

"yes, honestly it is amazing." he smiled.

" are we friends?" he asked you suddenly, and it caught you of guard.


"are we friends?"

you looked at him confused. Yes it was true, you liked him, but he was your prisoner that couldn't leave your basement. He was nothing more than that. That's what you kept telling yourself.

"I have to go." you jumped up and walked out the room . He looked at you longingly. He knew you felt the same way has he did, and that you were just as scared of it as he was. He desperately wanted you to admit it- he was no longer just a captive- he was in love with you, and as far as he could see, you loved him too.


where you friends. Were you just his capturer. Where you something more. You didn't know. And you certainately couldn't tell Tony that. There was only one person you could talk to: Bucky.

"hello, "


"(Y/N), whats wrong."

"Bucky, I I don't know. I I ..."

"tis that tony isn't it. You like him."

"how did you know?"

"you protected him. and you held him as he cried. You're forgetting I was there. I was knocked out. But I was there."

"What do I do?"

"tell him, give him a choice- determine weather he feels the same - would he choose you, or freedom."

"and if he prefers freedom?"

"something tells me he wouldn't, but if he did- I don't think you would let him leave alive." you laughed.

"yeah, your right. Thank you Bucky, and I'm sorry about how I acted..."

"no, I apologise. Tell Tony I'm sorry too. I hope you two are happy, and that he's okay."

"thanks Buck. see ya."

"bye (Y/N)."


"hey Tony," you said as you walked down the stairs. He was sitting on the chair with his back to you. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and you admired the muscles on his back. He was a really good looking guy.

" T Tony."

He didn't turn round, and you placed your hand on his shoulder. "tony, " you looked at his tear stained face. "what's wrong Tony?"

"I erm, I don't know how to say it.."

"tony, I need to ask you something."


"if you had a choice, freedom or me, what would you choose."

"well, I don't have anyone or thing to go back to, so... i'll choose you."

"doyouwanttostayupstairswithmetonight?" you asked in one breath.


"do you erm, do you want to stay upstairs with me tonight?" you asked, you stared down at your hands and fiddled with the rim of you jumper.

"are you asking me to sleep with you." you went bright red. and he laughed.

"yes, well, as long as this is not your plan to kill me," he said kind of seriously. it was your turn to smile.

" im not going to kill you. But I will if you run- and that's a promise." he swallowed, looking slightly scared of you.

you took his hand and lead him upstairs.

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