Stockholm Syndrome

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You finished cooking the food. You gave him more than you. You had made roast chicken with vegetables. You dished it up and managed to get both plates down without dropping everything. You opened the door, and went down the stairs, smiling at Tony when you saw hm. He looked up from his book an smiled when he saw you. He hadn't realised it before, but you had an amazing smile.

He had read an article once on Stockholm Syndrome when he was at school. It confused him to think that somebody could fall in love with the person who had captured you. But right now, he believed every word of it.

It explained that it was a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. He always thought it was just something someone had made up to make money, but now he was looking at you, his kidnaper- who had spent her time cooking him a decent meal- was smiling broadly at him, making him blush. He didn't think he could feel like that for anyone else but Pepper- but she was the reason he was here.

You spoke with properly for the first time that evening. You didn't know what made you stay down there with him, but you sat on the floor next to him, listening to his side of the story's you heard on the news. He told you about the first time he was kidnaped- and how he had used a suit to escape, creating the first ever Ironman out off scrapes. He was an extremely intelligent man, and good looking to.

"why didn't you try to get out now?" yo asked him, showing true interest In his story's- something Pepper never done.

"what would I go back to? A dysfunctional team, which the leader was one of the ones who wanted me dead, my 'Girlfriend' who organised it. Or my 'best friend' who gave you information to make sure everything went well. I might as well be dead."

"you didn't know that at the time."

"I suspected it. I'm not an idiot."

"no, no your not." you smiled

"why are you doinf this, being kind to me?"

"because you have had a hard time. When I first met you, I thought you were a stuck up.."

"okay, I get it."

"but. But now I know that was all an act, and it was just how the media portrayed you. You not a bad man."

"you're not too bad yourself."

you looked at him, and he looked at you. You gazes locked, and you both found yourselves leaning in.

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