Cry's for Help

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That night you were furious. He was in your basement and he refused to eat. Some how this bothered you. It had never bothered you before. Maybe it was because you hate him so much- and wanted him alive longer so you could carry out your plan. Yes. That was it.

You went up stair to the top floor and laid on in your comfortable bed. Lined with linin, and had silk covers. The room was warm and comfortable. Despite the fact you only used this place for murder- it felt really homely. It was made for a family- but you didn't have one.  The only visiter's you got never left alive.

You went to bed relatively early that night. You had checked the burner phone- you had a text from Pepper and Steve. they read:

- Hey, thank you for doing this. It worked perfectly. Thank you.

Pepper XX

- Thank you. Was he okay? Where is he now.? It's not the same without him, but it was for the greater good.

Steve xx

You read them both, and felt bad for the man down stairs. His friends had betrayed him, and hired a hit man ( or woman) to get him killed, 'For the greater good'? You felt bad for him .The woman he loved was in on this, and he really did love her, and you saw that when he was panicking after landing. You tried to get him off your mind, so you put the phone down, and laid back into the soft bed. It was late now, so you shut your eyes and drifted off into sleep.

you were woken by the light seeping in through the window in front of the bed. You couldn't go back to sleep so you decided to go downstairs to get a drink and watch the TV until you went back to sleep on the sofa. You poured yourself a cup of coffee, and settled on the sofa in front of the TV. you put the news on. There was another report on Tony's death. The avengers were all mourning over their lost friend- only Steve knew about the plan. They were all genuinely grieving- which surprised you. Pepper was still playing the part of the mourning girlfriend, who just happened to inherit his whole company. You didn't know why but she was becoming really annoying to you. You turned the tv down and shut your eyes.

You were jolted awake by a scream from downstairs. You groaned- trying to ignore it. There was another, louder, that was followed by yet another. You huffed and got up, putting a hand through you hair in anger, trying to tidy it a bit. You stomped down the stairs, swung the door open, so it  smacked the wall on the other side. Tony was on the floor, wrapped up in a ball, sweating, crying and shaking violently. You hoped down the stairs and knelt down next to him.

"hey, wake up." you grabbed his shoulders and shook him awake. "oi." you slapped his across the face to make him look at you, he sobbed, and it stung your heart to see him like this.

"hey, " Your voice softened. " your okay," you pulled him into you, hugging him close to your chest.

"it's okay." His thin frame rested against your side. He was loosing a lot of weight. he breathing returned to normal, his head resting on your shoulder, you felt his body relax, and his breathing turned into soft snores.

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