In Love

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You ordered a take away that night. Ordering enough for 6 people. You knew Tony would be hungry, so you over ordered. You had recently moved a dining table down there, and you set up the table. When the food came you ran it down stairs and dished t out. You had a fair amount - whereas tony had a pile of food.

You ate together and you kept apologising, but he kept telling you not to worry. You felt bad for him. And he felt amazing. An amazing woman had just saved him. He finally admitted to himself that he was head over heels in love with you.

He would look forward to your visits. He would feel instantly happy when he saw your smile, especially when it was directed at him. He would be filled with a warm feeling when ever you crossed his mind- and he found himself thinking about you all day, and you would make up most of his dreams- keeping the demons away.

You would spent the day thinking about Tony. You still had no idea why you hadn't killed him yet. Something always had the thought of killing him go away- and go to his amazing mind and his soft hair. You felt sorry for hi , but he didn't mention his past anymore. Your normal prisoners always spoke of the life they would be leaving behind- a wife, a mistress, kids, friends, whatever. But Tony didn't do that. He knew the closest people to him wanted him dead- for the second time. He always looked content in our presence and you always found that weird.

He loved you. He would spent the whole time in your presence admiring your face. He knew that sounded a bit weird, but he couldn't help it. He was in love with you- the woman who had taken from his life and company for 10 million. But he couldn't help himself.


"nice?" You asked. he nodded. "it's great thank you." you smiled at him. "How's the bruising?"

"it hurts a bit but.."

"can I have a look?" he went bright red. "erm ,s sure," you stood up and walked over to him, "can I?" you said referring to his shirt. He stiffly nodded and you pulled the shirt over his head, revealing a load of purply, green bruising along his side and a few scare on his chest. You ran your hand along it and, he winced in pain.

"hold on.." you left him there. You ran up the stairs, and returned shortly after with a tube of cream in your hand.

"it may be a bit cold," you slowly rubbed it onto the bruise onto his side, and he looked down at your concentrating expression on your face. You cared about him deeply, and he could tell by how you were around him. He felt tired suddenly and out his head on top of yours. In no time at all, he was snoring, and you picked him up, and laid him down on the mattress.

You knelt down next to him and pulled the covers over his thin frame. You looked down at his peaceful looking face and went o stand up. But his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.

"stay, "he whispered. You smiled and laid down next to him. You took him in your arms and held him while he slept.

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