While you were Gone.

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You were gone longer than you expected. You couldn't get a lead on the man. You had the number plate, but you didn't have a name or work address. But you got it done in the end. The money was transferred into your forgein account.


You were gone for too long. Bucky wasn't as nice as you. He would beat Tony in the basement, and refuse to feed him. He was a drunk. Every night he would go down there just to use Tony as a punching bag. He had heard of Tony Stark from the news- and resented him.

Tony feared the evening, knowing what was to come. Bucky would walk down the stair, slam the door behind him and end up punching Tony until he was happy with how he looked. A few times Tony tried to fight back- but Bucky was too strong for him.

His face was covered in bruises and his eye was dark purple. He had a broken nose and a bruised rib. His wrist was fractured and eh was in constant fear.

Bucky was a troubled man. He survived n the streets, by begging and occasionally stealing- but he wasn't very good at it. Before you got into this business, he would rely on our help to survive. And in all honestly, you were the first person to ever treat him like a human, and not just a street rat. You were friends- you were still friends but you didn't talk as often as before- due to your job, like these. Where you were forced to stay away from 'home' and keep a prisoner.

H e missed you when you weren't with him, so he wasted no time coming to your aide. And in a desperate attempt to impress you, he started beating tony.

He hadn't fed Tony for the week you were gone- Tony was so skinny and it was a surprise that he hadn't broken anything. Tony missed you- and was certain you were not coming back for him- that you had lied and had left like everyone else.

After a tiring week, your target was dead, and you were glade. It was time to go back to the cottage and see Tony and Bucky. You were looking forward to seeing them both, and hoped that everything was okay.

You pulled up put side the house and unlocked the door. As soon as you had walked in you could smell the alcohol. You looked into the living room, to see the floor scattered with empty bottles of bear. You span around looking for Bucky, it didn't look like there was much food gone.

Then you heard it. The Scream . It was Tony. you ran down to the basement to see Bucky kicking Tony in the corner of the room. You quickly ran over to him, pulled him away, and sent a punch straight to the face, knocking him out. His body laid on the floor, out cold.

You went straight to Tony's side, checking him over. Apart from a few cuts and bruises- he was fine. You pulled him Into your chest, holding him close. You stroked his hair as he sobbed into your chest.

"hey, it's okay. I'm back now. And I'm never leaving again." You continued to hold him as he shook. " am so sorry, Tony."

"it's okay. You didn't know." he whispered. you put your head n top of his, hen you noticed Bucky start to move and groan next to you. You gently let tony go, picking him up and placing him on the mattress, pulling the covers over him. You grabbed Bucky by the collar of his shirt and dragged him up the stair, not bothering to be gentle.

You threw him on the sofa. And waited. He started to wake, and he looked at you. He coward away from you, feeling scared of you. He knew what you were capable of but didn't ever think he would be one of your victims.

"why?" you spoke with a deadly tone. " why would you touch my prisoner? You could have killed him." your voice raising.

"im sorry (Y/n), I I didn't..."

"get out."


"I said get out before i kill you."

he jumped up and ran out- knowing you were being deadly serious.

" I call you when I've calmed down."

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