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You woke in his arms. You watched his chest rise and fall. He was there and you were together.

When Pepper called you those months ago, you would have never imagined waking up next to the man. You didn't want these feelings clouding your judgement, so you didn't want o get to close.

His eyes opened and noticed you staring at him. "morning Beautiful."

"do you love me?"

"didn't I say that enough last night?" he said in a mocking tone.

" I'm serious," you said suddenly feeling self conscious. you pulled the covers up to his anything. He took the covers and pulled them off you.

" don't hid. I've seen it now, and I always want to see it. " he smiled at you, and to confirm what he said, he kissed you, passionately.

You moaned into the kiss, and he pulled you closer.

"what happens now?" he asked.

" I I don't know" you replied.

"shall I go back down stairs?"

you nodded. and so did he.

" I think the real question is, do YOU love me." he stood, pulled on his pants and his shirt, making his way down stairs. He left you there thinking about hat he had said. You did love him. But you didn't know if you could trust him.

You thought about it. You were an assassin- if he left- you would find him, and this time, you wouldn't hesitate to kill him. And he knew it.

You pulled on a baggy shirt that went down to your knee's. You opened the door, to see tony sitting on the mattress, head in his hands.

You thought the best way to tell him, was to show him. You made your way over to him and sat on his lap, flipping your hair to one side, placing two fingers under his chin to move his face to look at you.

"I trust you Tony. And I do love you." you kissed him. Pushing him down onto the mattress, ripping off any clothes he had put back on, and started the night all over again.

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