Your Return

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When he heard the lock click, he ran to the door. You walked in, not noticing he was standing there staring at you until you looked around at him. He looked into your amazingly large blue eyes, and he watched your tired figure.

He approached you and put one arm on he door, forcing you to look at him.

"Tony..." he put the other hand over your mouth stopping you from speaking. His eyes were dark and fall of lust.

"there's an important matter that needs attending too ma'am." he got lost in your eyes.

"did I mention, its argent."

He could no longer wait. He smiled at you and moved forward to kiss you. He pushed you up against the door and pushed himself into you. His hand moved from your face and travelled down. It went over your breasts and ended up going up your jumper, and he rubbed small circles into your stomach.

It was a passionate kiss and he soon deepened it, entering his tongue in your mouth fighting for dominance- which he lost. H needed to win it back , so in no time at all, he had picked you up and was carrying you upstairs to your room.

Once you were there he kissed you. You had your legs wrapped around his waist- feeling the bulge in his pants. He pushed you up against the door, pulling your jumper off your body and discarding it. He pulled you away from the door and threw you on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed his belt before rolling over to you on the bed. He pulled your shirt off and kissed down your neck, to your shoulder and continued down to your stomach.Your hands ran up his stomach, traveled up and you tugged on his hair, pulling him closer to you. Your hands went under the shirt by his neck and pushed it off over his shoulder, then off his arms. You admired him abs before he pulled off your trousers.

His hands played with the hem of your pants and continued to kiss and suck on your neck. He whispered loving words in your ear in between moans from the both of you. He rubbed his crotch on yours and started massaging your breasts. You threw your head back in delight. This was not how you imagined your first evening back would go.

Tony moved down to your legs, he bit into your pants and seductively pulled them off with his teeth. He kissed you thighs and ran his hands up and down your smooth, slender legs. All to quickly, he crawled back up to you and kissed you, and again, you won dominance, flipping you both over so you were on top. You flipped your hair over to one side and looked down at him. you quickly removed his jeans and threw them across the room. Then , just as he did, you bit into his pants, and pulled them off with your teeth.

He was a moaning mess beneath you. You moved your self up so his ..... was in line with your entrance . You sank your self down and kissed his neck and shoulders. He was shacking and moaning under you and you loved every moment of it. You kept going up and down on him, until he was moaning and shouting. " I, I am gonna.." he didn't get to finish his sentence as he let it all out in you. You shook as you too reached your climax and fell next to him. He looked down at you, and smiled at you.

"your beautiful"

"not too bad yourself Tony."

"You were great."

"thank you..."

"don't ever leave me. I love you (Y/N), and I couldn't live without you." you leaned in and kissed him. "Tony how many times do I have to say it. I am never going to leave you." you stroked his hair. "I love you too much."

"I love you too (Y/N), so, so much." You laid our head on his chest, with his arm wrapped around his waist. You fell asleep like that. And you slept the whole night tangled in his limbs.

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