Plane crash

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You woke up early, dressed and headed out. You drove to the airport and was met by pepper.

"he should be here soon. Everything is ready for you. Good luck."

"Steve not here to say goodbye." you asked sarcastically. "no, they are not on talking terms."

"what a shame" you smiled. "ill be going now. And Tony Stark will be no more." you turned sharply on your heals and walked away from the woman, boarding the plan, with the actors. They all knew who you were, but they didn't know they would be in the middle of one of the huntresses killings. To them you were a pilot, there to help if anything happened. It made you smile.

You had a job to be done- but you were not willing to have anyone but Stark suffer. There were enough parachutes to get everyone of the plane. You were not completely heart less. Those people has children. You didn't want anyone ending up like you.

He arrive late. He was boarded and you couldn't help walking gout into the cabin to see the man. He was dressed in a smart suit, but he didn't seem as confident and as sure of himself as he did on TV. He looked a mess, a nervous mess. This wasn't the man you were expecting.


he looked up at you, attempting to hide his worry. " yes beautiful,"

"we are ready for take off." your face hardening. There he was. You went in the pilots seat, turning on the camera in the cabin. You watched as the genius, grabbed on to the arm rest, like his life depended on it. He had his eyes shut and was breathing heavily, shaking slightly until the seat belt light turned off. He relaxed into the chair. and fell asleep.

You watched the sleeping man on the screen. This was not the Tony Stark you imagined. He was a nervous mess. He wasn't confident. And it seemed like he used that as a defence mechanism to fend of everyone. He wanted to be disliked, because he was scared. For the first time in your life, you really felt sorry for the man. He was weak, and he had the closest people to him plot his murder. They wanted him gone so bad, they were willing to pay 10 million to have him killed. You didn't blame him for having no friends. With all that money, he was probably used to being used for it. You looked at him sympathetically, but was soon back in reality, when the turbalance started. You waited for everyone to get off the plane, then you ran out, seeing a terrified Tony nearly in tears.

" Mr Stark, Im here to help you," you put on a parachute, " come with me," you went over to him, pulled him off of the chair, held him under his arms, and strapped him to you. Then you jumped.

When you landed, he fell straight to the ground. He was breathing heavily. He was having a panic attack. "Mr, Stark, look at me and copy my breathing. in and out. in and out." he done as he was old and was soon breathing normally. In the distance yo could see the plane crash to the ground, engulfed in flames. Tony Stark was dead, to everyone but you.

" I'm so glade it wasn't pepper or Rhodney on that plane. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to them. What happens now, how are we getting home?"

"Oh, Mr Stark. I don't think you understand what's happening. You are never going home. You ever so precious friends are responsible for your death. Your coming with me." he was in tears now, completely giving in to you. You pulled out a piece of cloth, soaked in a chemical that would knock him out, but you didn't think it would be this easy to get to him. He really was a mess. He didn't resist when you covered his nose and mouth with the cloth. He fell limp in your arms. You didn't bother catching him, he fell to the floor.

You heaved him into the back of the truck, not bothering about the fact that when he woke up he would have no feelings in his legs due to the position, or that he would have a massive cut and a bruise on his head from the impact of throwing him in.

You were muscular, so you were able to pick him up pretty easily. As soon as he was in you called Steve.

" it's done."

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