His past

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You drove to the place you were going to keep him. You opened up the back and saw the man laying in an awkward position. you pulled him forward, catching his suit on a nail, and ripped it, cutting deep into his shoulder and upper arm. there was blood all in your truck. You would deal with that later.

You had a farm house in the middle of nowhere. It was spacious, but most importantly, it had a basement- which will act as Tony Starks home for the rest of his worthless life. It was completely empty. Apart from a few blood stains on the walls and floor, there was absolutely nothing in the room. No window, no furniture, no mattress. No light at all. It really was a prison.

You heaved his body down the stairs, letting him fall to the floor. You left him there. It had been a long day, so you locked the door, collapsed on the sofa, and turned on the TV. You flicked through the channels deciding go watch the news. Just as you suspected, Pepper was shown crying over her dead boyfriend, and they announced that she had just inherited Tony's company. She played the part of the grieving girlfriend really well- like she had been practising for months.

It had been a few hours since you had arrived do you went down stairs to check on Tony. He had his knees close to his chest, and his head in his knees. He was crying softly, and he didn't hear you come in. You felt pity for the small man. He really did love pepper, and the whole accords business really got to him. You decided to let him get used to the place for a while.

He interested you. You picked up your phone on the way down and searched for 'Tony Stark'

At first only the obvious showed up. His business, his girlfriend, Ironman. Then you went a bit deeper. You found his past. He was kidnaped years ago by one of his co-workers and partners in business. You saw photo's of him before and after- he didn't look like he had changed- but he had- mentally. That would explain why he was so scared on the plane.

After your research, you decided to get him something to eat. You got a few slices of bread and a lump of butter on a plate and went down stairs. He was in the same position as before.

"here, something to eat. its not much, but.... its better than nothing" you slide the plate towards i'm and he looked at it. Despite learning what you had you hated him. He seemed so stuck up. Anger and hatred swarmed inside of you and you stepped forward and slapped him across the face, earning a loud sob from the man.

" eat it. or starve." you turned to walk away. You left the man there with a red cheek, crying even more.

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