My Roommate, My Hero Kotaro Bokuto x Suicidal Chubby Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walked aimlessly towards my dorm room.......I've been keeping up this depression that leads me to be suicidal.......I'm (Y/N) (L/N), a first year college student at Tokyo University and my high school years, I get bullied a lot.......I was thinking if whether I would join my family up in heaven and just kill myself or just live my abnormal life with me cutting and stuff......I really really want to die but there's someone or somebody stopping me, like when I was at Fukurodani, there's this guy who is a year older than me came to the rooftop that I was supposed to jump on but he stopped me with his loud voice! He's irritating me but I actually enjoy his company that day, but when I turn into a 3rd year, I knew that he is not there anymore, I don't even know his name but I remember his face and what he look like. I wanna meet him just one day, he changed my life into something more anticipating one......and more colorful. But I know it will never come since I will die sooner or later, I don't even know where college he goes to......nor his acquaintances are. Why am I depressed and suicidal you ask? Well it's because of my weight, I'm probably at the 60's or something.........but I'm tall.......but that doesn't mean I'm sexy or something, I don't even consider myself as a beautiful person......I always encourage myself that I'm an ugly potato who just sits there and nothing to do. I sighed and opened my dorm room door then suddenly I heard someone.

"HEY! HEY! HEY! ROOMIE!"I heard a deep I'll have a roommate!? I never knew this!

"A roommate? I've never had a roommate befo------EH!?"I asked as he smiled at me while looking at me

"Nice to see you again, (Y/N) (L/N) is it?"he asked as I looked at him and nodded while blushing and looking away, what the hell!?

"I'm Kotaro Bokuto! You see I was really looking for a dorm but my friend who is you're age paired up with someone! So I picked whoever is on the list and I don't even knew you go here"he said as I looked at him.......noisy.......I like it......

"O-okay........I-I-I've never had a roommate before.......a-all of my grade level seemed to be scared of me"I said as he looked at me

"Not you're senpai though! I would never be scared to a cute girl like you are!"he said as I blushed and looked at him

"H-huh!?"I asked as he smiled

"Anyways wanna come with me and drink with my friends?"he asked as I looked at him........I never drank alcohol before.

"I-I-I'll just stay here......."I said as he grabbed my hand and smiled

"I'll take no for an answer! Come on, it'll be fun!"he said as I was dragged by him

"M-m-matte! I-I-I'll lock the door first!"I said as he smiled

"O-oh uh sorry hehehe"Bokuto-san said as I shook my head and locked the door with my keys. Bokuto-san then dragged me towards a restaurant where free food are, they're all boys!

"Who's the girl Bokuto!?"a guy with bed hair asked as I hid behind Bokuto-san who smiled

"My roommate! Anyways she'll be joining us today!"Bokuto-san said as I looked at him and saw a pudding head who was about to run away but he was grabbed by the bed hair guy

"Kenma! Your running away again, let's drink!"he said as he gave the pudding head a drink while Bokuto-san offered me a drink.

"U-u-um I don't really drink, c-c-can I at least have coke instead?"I asked as he smiled

"Oi Akaashi! Order her a coke! And (Y/N) please eat as much as you'd like!"he said as I looked at the food, it's almost look like a feast!

"E-e-etto I'm not that hungry"I said as the bed hair guy smirked

"It's fine! I can see clearly that your lying! Eat as much as you want, (Y/N) is it?"he asked as I nodded

Bokuto's POV

It's been a few months ever since me and (Y/N) was roommates, and I already knew that she's depressed and suicidal based on the cuts I've seen when she got a fever and forgot to wear long sleeves. Also she and I became close though I never mentioned the suicidal part, I respect her but today, it's enough. She has been acting weird lately, saying no to my offers and coming to the dorm late. She once was scolded by the landlord and teachers for the crew few but what would she even doing by that time? Today it's at it again but I saw multiple bruises on her cheeks, body, and neck! Especially the face.

"(Y/N)! Where have you been and who did this to you?"I asked as she looked at me, her eyes were puffy I think from crying.

"L-l-let go of me!"she said as she struggled to be on my hands but I kept a good grip onto her

"(Y/N), tell me what happened!"I said as she pushed me

"I-I've been bullied ever since high school! You wanna know why!? It's because I'm ugly and fat that I can't live into the world anymore! I can't take it anymore, I want to die!"she said as I looked at her and hugged her

"What are you saying (Y/N)? Your not what they say!"I said as she look up at me

"Yes I am! You're gonna be one of them soon! Always back stabbing me behind my back!"she said as I looked at her

"No (Y/N), I will never do anything that hurt you"I said as she looked at me and laughed bitterly

"Then prove it! Prove to me that your worthy of my tru-----mphp"I suddenly cut her off by a kiss on the lips to prove her that I tell the truth.

"(Y/N) I love you........I won't lie to you I promise"I said as she cried while looked at her.

"You're lying........"she said as I smiled

"I'm not I promise........I'll take care of you and don't leave my side you understand?"I asked as (Y/N) gulped but nodded anyways

"I-I-I-I-I actually like you too.......B-B-Bokuto-san"she said as I smiled and hugged her then kissed her forehead

"Sleep and rest while I treat your wounds"I said as she nodded while smiling. Her true smile not the ones she gives to the others.

~Extra Ending~

(Y/N) and Bokuto walked towards the cafeteria where the popular boys are at, they greeted (Y/N) and Bokuto while the two greet them back.

"AKAASHI! (Y/N)'S MY GIRLFRIEND NOW, HEY! HEY! HEY!"Bokuto said while everyone was now staring at him, (Y/N) blushed in embarrassment while looking at the other way.

"You don't have to yell, Bokuto-san"Akaashi Keiji said as Kuroo Tetsuro took notice of the staring while he smirked

"If I ever heard someone bullying or insulting (Y/N)-chi, they'll be dead even though I'm not here, neh Bokuto?"Kuroo asked as Bokuto nodded while every guy in the popular group was smirking and has a dark aura which made the whole people in the cafeteria shivered including (Y/N)'s bullies


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