Idiotic Actions Gone Right! Lev Haiba x Filipino! Chubby Reader

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Soulmate AU! Meet soulmate in dreams every night (with the ability to interact)

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked towards my room and slept, I literally dreamt that guy again, we can communicate with each other in our dreams, his name is Lev Haiba, he was half Russian and half Japanese, he was also a junior high as me, I actually live in the Philippines. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I pretty much live my whole life in the Philippines, Lev is living Japan, I think it's Miyagi? He's a volleyball player and far by my observation, he was an idiot. Like literally, when we met, he doesn't even know what soulmate contract means so I had to explain to him what does it mean, he didn't even understand anything on the first explaining, so I had to do it thrice! My soulmate is really an idiot, but he is quite handsome, I'm standing in 5'2-5'3 while he says he's 6'5. I was quite shock at first, I never met anyone who's standing in 6'5, whenever we meet on our dreams, he would hug me, I just clung onto his belly since that's what I can reach from him, whenever he's back hugging me, he always is the big spoon since he's so tall and all. Me and him became friends easily since he's so outgoing and I'm just friendly, soulmates are supposed to be together and yup, I admit, even if he's a complete idiot, I like him a lot. He was one of the guys who treated me like a princess, I mean he was so kind so I had to eventually like him. I admit, I love him, I have been ever since two years ago, we've been seeing and interacting with each other 3 years ago, so yup. So today is another dream, I was waiting for him in a fountain, it looks like.........this isn't a place in my hometown nor in my country so I guess it's in Japan. He came and saw me, sitting in the fountain with water coming out and the Sakura petals were falling onto me, he smiled at me.

"Hello, (Y/N)"he said as I smiled

"Hi Lev, how was you day?"I asked him as he idiotically smiled

"It was super busy for school and graduation of junior high, but it was fun and nice, how about you, (Y/N)?"he asked as I smiled and look at the sky

"Well same as usual, since it's February 14 today.........every couple flirted in front of me, I just supported"I said as he looked at me curiously and tilted his head which was cute to see

"How come?"Lev asked as I smiled

"Well........guys weren't up for yup, I'm glad I'm able to talk to you......your my valentine for this year"I said as he looked at me

"Well if that is the case....."Lev said as he clicked his fingers and a box of chocolate and a bouquet of roses were in the air

"Since this is just a dream, we can wish what we want and it will appear. So I wished to have a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses for you"Lev said as I blushed a bit, he was so thoughtful.

"Well I guess I can accept it..........thank you Lev"I said as I accepted it but it felt so real, as if I'm really holding something........

"So what are you planning on the vacation?"he asked as I smiled and got excited

"As you parents died not a few months ago......"I said, sounded so excited......

"Yeah? Why are you excited?"Lev asked as I apologized

"I didn't meant to, sorry grandpa in Japan will pick me up here and I'll be living in Tokyo! I might see you there!"I said as he was smiling widely, his green eyes were filled with joy

"I'm so glad! When are you gonna come?! I'll give you a tour!"Lev said as I smiled and said ever details.

Lev's POV

I walked happily towards the gym of Nekoma, it's been 3 months since (Y/N) told me that she is living here, she was busy for the past months so she and I haven't talked for awhile, our dreams are either just like one hour or so, she was busy. I started school in Nekoma High and started playing volleyball even if I suck at it, (Y/N) have been my inspiration, she and I once talked about it, she said something meaniful to me that made me join a volleyball club in high school.

"Lev! Your late!"Kuroo-san said as I apologized

"Sumimasennnnnnnn!"I said as he and Yaku-san sighed then we liked up, Nekomata-sensei is running late......wonder what's up?

"Nekomata-sensei is running late, he was never late"Kuroo-san said as I nodded while I looked at a volleyball then smiled, knowing (Y/N) is gonna be at Tokyo makes me so happy.

"He said that he will pick up his granddaughter from other country"Manabu-sensei said as I was curious, Nekomata-sensei's granddaughter?

"Sorry for running late.........I have to pick up my beautiful granddaughter from the airport"Nekomata-sensei said as we looked over to our backs, he was alone

"Sensei, where is your granddaughter?"Kai-san asked as we were curious

"She is changing right now, please welcome her with kindness and warm hugs cause she likes those"Nekomata-sensei said as it reminded me of (Y/N)..........she likes warm hugs like Olaf.

"Anyways start stretching, before she came"Nekomata-sensei said as we nodded and started stretching, we finished and the door slide open, I saw the girl in my dreams........(Y/N)

"Konnichiwa! Watashi wa (L/N) (Y/N) desu! I'm the granddaughter of Nekomata-sensei, hajimemashite!"(Y/N) said, she didn't noticed me at first but I did, so what I did is that I jumped at her........and hugged her.......she was surprised a bit and I smiled.

"I thought your gonna go to a different school, (Y/N)!"I said as she was shocked and looked up at me

"L-Lev?!"she squeaked as I smiled and leaned down on her forehead while kissing it, I watched too many romantic movies this past few years.

"Oi, oi, oi! How come you two know each other?"Kuroo-san asked as I smiled

"She is my soulmate........we had a lot in common, she was actually the one who inspired me to go to a volleyball club"I said as (Y/N) smiled shyly

"L-Lev! You don't have to tell them that!"she said as I smiled and put my chin on the top of her head

"Of course I will, since you and I are soulmates, you and I are destined........I actually cherished you ever since we met"I said as she her heartbeat facstened it's pace.........I could feel it since I am pressed against her.

"W-what?!"(Y/N) asked as I excused me and her and I dragged her somewhere private, I learned this thing on the internet

"I love you, (Y/N). Starting 2 years ago"I said as she was shocked

"W-w-wait what?"she asked as I smiled and kissed her on the lips, she was shocked but kissed back, I broke apart as me and her were panting.

"I love you, (Y/N). At first I thought of you as a friend, but when I actually got to know you, you were so precious to my heart that I don't want to loose you"I said as she smiled

"I too..........I love you too, Lev! The same exact year as you!"(Y/N) said as I smiled and kissed her forehead, it was so romantic.

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) and Lev were dating now, Nekomata approved a few months later, they were recalling their past

"Yup, our beginning was really cheesy, to be completely honest"Lev said as he and (Y/N) were walking to a amusement park, hand in hand

"Well you made it so cheesy, Lev!"(Y/N) said laughing a bit, Lev smiled widely

"On the bright side, we got together!"he said as (Y/N) smiled and let Lev's hand go then walked ahead of him

"Yeah, in an idiotic actions and were like serious and telling me you love me like there's no tomorrow"she said which embarrassed Lev

"H-h-hey! At least I asked you out!"he said as (Y/N) laughed and run away from Lev, Lev was sighing while running after his chubby cute girlfriend.


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