An Elite Girl Kuroo Tetsuro x Chubby Reader

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(A/n: Haikyu x BNHA but in the world where no quirks are)

(Y/N)'s POV

Hello I'm (Y/N) Bakugo, twin sister of Katsuki Bakugo, I'm a transfer student from UA Academy to Nekoma High, UA Academy is a elite school and I wanted to try a different school so I went to the closest to UA Academy, Nekoma High, I have the features of my brother except for the hair, my hair is (H/C). I walked through the hallways but I heard some squeaks, I peak through the door and saw guys in a volleyball uniform and they were in a match?

"Um excuse me, can I go through the door?"a guy with silver hair asked, he's so tall! I gulped and nodded

"S-sorry!"I said as I walked away front the gymnasium, but I was grabbed by's the guy from earlier

"Do you mind if I show you around the gym? You could be perfect for being a manager"he said as I look at him, huh? M-m-m-manager!?

"W-wait!"I said but he was so strong, I mean yes, he is but I'm stronger but my body won't hold back. I let him drag me towards the guys.

"Lev! Where have you she your girlfriend, Lev?"a guy with big black bed hair asked as I wiggle out of the silvernette's grip and sighed

"I'm not........he dragged me here so I could be a manager?"I asked as they all looked at me

"Of course you could be their manager, I'd like some help"a old man said, wait is he their coach?

"O-oh uh, y-yeah sure"I said as the bed hair guy handed me a jersey.

"Here, you'll be on our team, one, two........."he counted while I looked at them

"WELCOME TO THE TEAM!"they said as I smiled and hugged the jacket. 'This is gonna be my first to do something without, nii-chan' I thought as I smiled, Katsuki is on the basketball team in UA Academy but he never did ask me to be their manager. He's a salty ass bich but I still love him.

"I am glad, I'm (Y/N) Bakugo, nice to meet you"I said as everyone stopped cheering and looked at me wide eyed, even the coaches.

"Wait the top one basketball player around Japan? Is he your brother!?"a guy with a blond mohawk asked as I smiled

"Yeah, he is........"I said as they looked at me

"You're a elite then? Your from UA Academy!"a guy with pink hair said as I nodded while smiling

"Thank you for inviting me here.........but I wanted to be excused for today's managing? I'll tell my family that I joined the volleyball team being your manager"I said as they nodded and I smiled, before I go, they introduced themselves to me. So the tall guy is only a first year like me. So cool. I got home and saw Katsuki, my mom and dad sitting down on the couch waiting for me.

"Welcome home, dear"oka-san said as I smiled

"Hi mom, dad, and nii-chan! I'd like to tell you something"I said as they looked at me while my twin brother looked at me

"What is it dear?"otou-san asked as I smiled while grabbing the jacket

"I'm on a team! I'm Nekoma's Boys Volleyball Team's manager!"I said as they looked at me, my parents are proud

"That's great! Now you aren't relying on your older brother anymore!"oka-san said as Katsuki clicked his tongue

"You always rely on Katsuki, it's time for you to be free from your own will"otou-san said as I smiled and nodded while hugging all of them

"Be happy for your sister, idiot!"oka-san said as she slapped Katsuki's arm while I giggled, are they starting a fight again?

"I am happy for her, old hag!"Katsuki said as I giggled while hugging him, he flinched and struggled to get out of my grip

"Thank you, nii-chan!"I said as there's a doorbell on the door, I smiled while opening the door, I saw Kuroo-senpai?

"K-K-Kuroo-senpai?"I asked as he smiled while giving me my book! I almost forgot it!

"Kenma noticed how you forgot your book, so I bought it along and give it to you........I didn't knew that we are just street buddies"he said as I look at him in shock

"Huh?"I asked as he pulled my left wrist while pointing the house that is in front of mine.

"That is my house and Kenma's house is just a block away from ours"he said as I looked at him, I blushed when I realized that his hand were still on my wrist. Then there's a cough behind us

"What the f*ck are you doing with my younger sister?"Katsuki asked as his foul language is at it again.

"Nii-chan! That's a foul language to use!"I said as Kuroo-senpai chuckled while smirking.

Kuroo's POV

I'd tell the truth, I'm surprised of how foul the top one basketball player talks.

"I'm just being friendly and showing my house to (Y/N)-chi"I said as he pulled (Y/N)-chi towards inside while he walks out with me, he closed the door and glared up at me.

"Don't bother my younger sister, you extra!"he said as I smirked

"Oh~ I'll be bothering her, actually I have a crush on your younger sister, so I may bother her in practice~"I said as I walked away while leaving him pissed.

~Time skip! Summer Training Camp!~

I looked at Yamamoto with Karasuno's Libero and Left Wing Spiker who stared at (Y/N) with hearts in their eyes, (Y/N) is currently with the other managers of different schools and they look amazing, I've been preparing myself for Katsuki Bakugo and (Y/N)'s family for a approval of our relationship. Yup we got together before the training camp and it is amazing and well, we're still not legal to (Y/N)'s family but she's legal to my parents.

"(Y/N)-chi! Eat some more!"I said as she stared at me while chuckling

"Kuroo, you know I can't eat that much. Why don't you ask Kenma-san?"she asked as I nodded while looking for Kenma, I want her to eat more though, she has been skipping meals and stuff. And to be honest, I love how chubby she is, I could use her lap as a pillow for when I'm tired. Anyways I got to Kenma and offered him some veggies.

3rd Person's POV

Kuroo and (Y/N) were sitting down on (Y/N)'s couch, the Bakugo family is intimidating, well it's because of (Y/N)'s mother and Katsuki's aura, (Y/N) and (Y/N)'s father were calm and collected.

"So you're telling me that you guys got f*cking together before your training camp!?"Katsuki asked as (Y/N) flinched while her mother giggled

"You guys are so cute! Come on brat! Give your younger sister a freedom!"(Y/N)'s mother said as she slung her arm around Katsuki who glared at her

"Let go off of me you old hag!"Katsuki said as they started a fight in front of Kuroo who looked lost.

"It's actually like this........come on......I'm tired of seeing them fight"(Y/N) said as Kuroo looked at her

"What about the legalization of our relationship?"Kuroo asked as (Y/N) chuckled

"If oka-san says we're cute, then she and otou-san approves it"(Y/N) said as Kuroo nodded while standing up, the couple walked upstairs

"YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF MY F*CKING YOUNGER SISTER YOU EXTRA!"Katsuki shouted as (Y/N) sighed then she suddenly got pulled into a hug

"Yeah, I won't hurt her~"Kuroo whispered in (Y/N)'s ear which she shivered while blushing.

"I-I-I love you, Kuroo"(Y/N) said as Kuroo smiled

"Love you too, (N/N)-chi"Kuroo said as they watched movies in (Y/N)'s room.


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