Gaming Convention Is Not That Bad Kenma Kozume x Non-Gamer Chubby Reader

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Soulmate AU! Where a timer on your arm counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate

(Y/N)'s POV

I was dragged by (B/F/N) in a gamers convention and no I'm not a gamer! I never was, well maybe I like The Walking Dead and Left 4 Dead but not as far as those battle grounds and stuff! Anyways here we are, so many gamers and stuff, I only know a couple.......this day, soulmates had a thing in the world and I have a timer in my arm. It says that I only have one hour to meet my soulmate, so maybe he's in this convention, I really really am looking forward to this! But not that he's a geek, I'm sure he's a geek and loves video games, that's why he's in this convention.

"Look! Look! Look! (Y/N)! It's him!"(B/F/N) said as I rolled my eyes

"You can go (B/F/N)! Let's see each other outside! I'll look around for a bit!"I said as I looked around, oh yeah I live in my cousin's house and I'm going to Fukurodani, I'm a first year at Fukurodani along with my cousin, Keiji Akaashi.

"I really really find this boring"I said as I will consider this as boring because I don't really know much about gaming area, I want to buy a pc but I only can download Minecraft, The Walking Dead and Left 4 Dead games.......the rest is anime and otome games. I then looked at my timer, this is the most slowest time on earth, it's only been five minutes since me and (B/F/N) separated.

"55 minutes to go"I said as I sighed and just tidy up

Kenma's POV

I walked with Kuroo-san with the rest of the team, all of them were seeing new things while I just did what I always do in such conventions. I walk to my favorite games and buy it, Kuroo-san seemed to stare at my arm........I wonder why?

"Why are you looking at my arm?"I asked as he pointed at my arm

"Take a look at your arm Kenma"he said as I looked at my arm, 45 minutes, it says. Meaning that I will meet my soulmate in 45 minutes.

"Ohhhhh Kenma-san will get his soulmate!"Lev said as I looked at him

"Lev urusai"I said as I walked over to the booth I wanted to buy a game from and bought my game. I walked back to the group and they almost stared as if it's a museum.

"It's just a normal gaming convention"I said as Kuroo-san smirked

"I'm sure they haven't even seen a gaming convention"he said as I sighed

"Probably"I said as Kuroo-san and I walked towards the other booths

"So aren't you excited about meeting your soulmate in less than 40 minutes?"he asked as I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't really think much about it, if it happens, it happen, when it's not then it doesn't"I said as he looked at me and nodded.........

"You sure are not interested at all"Yaku-san said as I looked at him

"Your wrong, I'm interested I just don't show it"I said as I left them there speechless, I bought my game and they were not looking at me nor talking to me then that's good.

"I think they were surprised on how you said that"Kuroo-san said as I looked at him

"To say the least, I am not much of talker so of course they were surprised Kuroo-san"I said as he nodded while I bought a lot of games, next one on my list is The Walking Dead, the flash drive one, all seasons including the other The Walking Dead Features is there.

"The Walking Dead on flash drive is only one!"the vendor said as I widened my eyes a bit and rushed up ahead of the guys, if I don't rush, that game will never be mine. Once I got there, there is this chubby girl who has (H/C) colored hair and with a dress, she is facing back from me that's why I can't see her face. She was looking at the flash drive of The Walking Dead with almost desperate and amazement.

"Are you gonna buy it lady?"the vendor asked as she look up at him, she seems shorter than me, I walked up to her side, she never noticed me but the vendor did.

"Uh no! I'm just looking, I don't have a computer or pc anyways"she said as I looked at her........

"Then I'll buy it"I said as I look at the vendor who smiled at me........he was about to give me the flash drive when a bright golden light came and surrounded both me and the girl. What she my soulmate? Then there's a clock tattoo on our wrists, a golden one and golden bracelet

"Yup! We are definitely soulmates"she said as I looked at her, the vendor and I exchanged the payment and my flash drive

"I guess we love The Walking Dead too?"I asked as she nodded

"Yes"she said shortly while I nodded at least she's not like Shoyou or Lev

"Kenma........Kenma Kozume"I said as I blushed a bit and she smiled

"Nice to meet you, Kozume-kun, my names (Y/N) (L/N)"she said as I smiled a bit and nodded then decided to hang out for a bit.

"If you want.......y-you can come over to my house and we play the game we both like"I said as her eyes sparkled in delight

"Really!? Can I really play!?"she asked as I smiled

"Yes......."I said as she smiled widely and nodded

"Sure I'm in!"she said as I smiled, we talked for a bit and now we are saying goodbyes to each other

"Even though it's a short amount of time Kenma-senpai, I would love to go to your house to play The Walking Dead!"(L/N) said as I nodded while everyone were looking at me

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) and (B/F/N) walked away from the group of guys

"I told you that convention is not that bad"(B/F/N) said as (Y/N) chuckled

"I already knew from the start, (B/F/N)-chan"(Y/N) said as (B/F/N) sighed and nodded

"Hai, hai!"(B/F/N) said as (Y/N) laughed.

~Extra Ending~

Fukurodani and Nekoma has a practice match together and (Y/N) was now apart of the volleyball club of Fukurodani as a manager. Nekoma and Fukurodani greeted each other while Kenma stared at (Y/N) who waved at him and he waved back a bit.

"You got something to say, (Y/N)-chan?"Bokuto asked (Y/N) who looked at him

"Nah! Just my soulmate is Kenma Kozume"(Y/N) said as Bokuto widened his eyes

"Bokuto-san, it's about to start"Keiji Akaashi said as Bokuto was fired up and (Y/N) got to the bottles and stuff.


"Bokuto-san......don't scream"Akaashi said as (Y/N) looked at Kenma's face which had the most irritated face she has and everyone has seen.


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