Perfect Chance To Confess Tobio Kageyama x Smart Chubby Reader

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3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) Nishinoya is the cousin of Yuu Nishinoya, she is a first year in Karasuno and probably the top one in all of first year students. She is a assistant of the managers, like Hitoka Yachi, she surpassed Hitoka on being able to practice with freak duo. She was chubby yes but she's popular, she's like Kiyoko Shimizu, but less thinner and less pretty, she's still considered the top two most beautiful student at Karasuno. She's also the top one in all of the first years in Karasuno, she was really really smart, especially in (F/S), she aced all of the tests, anyways right now is the first quarter finals for Karasuno. (Y/N) developed feelings for Tobio Kageyama, the freak setter in Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Team, she has multiple crushes but Kageyama was probably the worst one, by worst one is a good meaning. It means that (Y/N) fell in love with the King of the Court, the official setter of Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Team. Right now though, (Y/N) and the Freak-Duo was practicing in the gym, along with the other members.

"(Y/N)-san! One more time!"Kageyama and Hinata said as she nodded while getting a ball from the basket and threw the ball towards Kageyama. After loosing against Aoba Johsai, the Freak-Duo was upset and decided to practice hard along with the rest of the team. Ittetsu Takeda was standing along with Keishin Ukai, Kiyoko Shimizu, Hitoka Yachi, and (Y/N) Nishinoya.

"So, as you can see. It's the finals and I want you to pass your tests in all of the subjects!"Takeda said as everyone was nodding but four members was pale after hearing the finals.

"You all need to pass about the half of your scores in the past! If not your not gonna participate in the Away Games! Is that clear?"Takeda asked as everyone said a loud hai except for the four

"Is that clear?"Takeda asked again while the four nodded rapidly, by four meaning, Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya, and Tanaka.

"Okay! You're all dismissed"Takeda said as (Y/N) smiled while cleaning the gymnasium

"(Y/N)-sannnnnn!"Hinata said as (Y/N) looked at him

"Yes Hinata-kun?"she asked as Hinata blushed

"A-ano......can you tutor me!? K-Kageyama have a tutor!"Hinata said as (Y/N) smiled

"I'm sorry but I already tutor Kageyama-kun........I'm Kageyama-kun's tutor"(Y/N) said as Hinata looked at her in wide eyes

"Eh? How come?"Hinata asked as (Y/N) chuckled

"We are classmates right? Then probably sensei was convinced that I will probably do something miraculous for him to get a bit yeah"(Y/N) said as Hinata grumbled

"You're the only chance I have!"Hinata said as (Y/N) chuckled

"Hitoka-chan is still there right? Go ask her, maybe she'll tutor you"(Y/N) said as Hinata smiled widely

"Oh yeah, Yachi-san! Well bye (Y/N)-san!"Hinata said as (Y/N) said goodbye to him

"(Y/N)-san"the first year Setter said as (Y/N) looked at him

"Oh your ready? Then let's go"(Y/N) said as Kageyama nodded while everyone said their goodbyes and made their way home to study.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked inside my house then oka-san suddenly rushed up to me and hugged me

"Oka-san! Nani!?"I asked as she shook her head, she's sometimes like Yuu, always happy and stuff.

"I'm glad you brought a friend over!"she said as I rolled my eyes

"I always bring a friend mom"I said as she chuckled and elbowed me

"Is this the Kageyama guy who you have a crush on~?"oka-san asked as I blushed a bit and grabbed Kageyama-kun's wrist

"It's nothing important mom, I'm sorry but we have to study for the quarter finals!"I said as she nodded while making kissy faces which Kageyama-kun probably saw.

"Your mom is like Nishinoya-san"Kageyama-kun said as I sighed

"Yes she is........I don't know if I'm really related to her or dad and mom divorced and my mom is a Nishinoya so she has the right to adopt me......or take care of me"I said as Kageyama-kun nodded

"Let's start?"Kageyama-kun asked as I nodded while looking at the books I borrowed in the library.

"Let's!"I said as we studied while we had a lot of fun.

~Time skip at the last day of the tutoring~

It was the last day of our tutoring session and I fell in love with Kageyama-kun even's not really my thing but as cliche as it sounds, I will confess on the last day of our tutoring session. He and I sat down on my floor while I fidget in nervousness

"(Y/N)-san? Are you okay? You look like Hinata boke just by your face"Kageyama-kun said as I looked at him

"O-oh uh I'm fine! Just fine! A-anosa........I have something to tell you! Since it's our last day at tutoring you"I said as he looked at me and nodded while bringing his pen down and stared at me.

"I-I-I l------"I was cut off

"Dear! Your snacks are here!"my mom said as I sighed in relief but also thinking this.

'Damn it mom, you ruined my mood but it makes me more nervous!' I thought

"Arigato"Kageyama-kun said as I smiled and took a deep breath and let it all out.

"What were you saying, (Y/N)-san?"he asked as I gulped and I smiled then blushed.

"I like you Kageyama-kun, from the very start of our year!"I said as he looked at me

"I like you too, you have been such good acquaintance to me"Kageyama-kun said as I looked at him. 'He misunderstood! How dense can he be?' I thought as I chuckled

"N-no! I mean as a man! N-n-not as a friend! S-s-so can we be more than friends?"I asked as he looked at me while blushing, his cheeks and ears are pink.

"Y-y-y-you mean lovers?"he asked as I nodded, never thought that Kageyama-kun would stutter in front of me.

"Yes.......lovers"I said as he look away and then grabbed my hand then hugged me.

"Eh K-Kageyama-kun!? N-n-nande!?"I asked as he sighed

"I-I-I-I like you too.......(Y/N)-san! I-I mean I love y-you too!"he said as I smiled and hugged him back, he let me go and shakily took my chin, he's nervous. I held his hand that is on my chin, I smiled and he kinda had this melted face on his face and suddenly kissed me. So I kissed back.

Kageyama's POV

(Y/N) walked out of her house which is next to Noya-san and I stared at her

"How do I look?"she asked as I tried to smile but she looked at me completely creeped out.

"Nuff.......knife.......nice!"I said as she chuckled and kissed my cheek while I blushed.

"Thanks Tobio!"she said as I melted into her call!

~Extra Ending~

(Y/N) looked at the test paper in her hand and can't believe that Kageyama, her boyfriend field English! She has taught him a lot of words including multiple of the hardest and deepest English words. And yet he still failed

"You still failed at English!? You idiot!"(Y/N) said as she kicked Kageyama on the side which he groaned in pain

"Why would you hit me!?"Kageyama asked as (Y/N) scoffed

"I taught all of the words that is on the tests Tobio! How can you not recognize it!?"(Y/N) asked as Tanaka and Nishinoya laughed while (Y/N) kept scolding Kageyama.

"Well at least someone keep on guard on Kageyama"Sugawara said as Daichi nodded.


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