My Savior Hayato Yamagata x Abused Chubby Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walked home and saw my parents again, they're both got their alcoholic drinks with them, we were once a happy family but when I noticed something different from them, they were always fighting and screaming and that is when I knew, they were both cheating behind their backs. They rarely come home and I don't really have the money to have food whenever they leave me alone for weeks, so I intend on going to work but that'll drain my energy, since I don't eat much, I probably look like a zombie right now.......that have lots of bruises on my arms, legs, and even neck! That my friends and the team I handle sees, they constantly ask if I'm still okay and of course I hide my pain into a facade smiling face and a cheerful voice to make sure that my parents won't go in jail. Right now though, I was walking down towards my house, and I've got my classmate who is in the volleyball team I handle too, he's the Libero of Shiratorizawa's Volleyball Team, Hayato Yamagata.

"I know this is a constant question but um........may I know how you got you're bruises and cuts......(L/N)-san?"he asked as I looked at him

"I told you, I fell and I'm clumsy aren't I? So there's nothing you have to worry about"I said as he looked really curious but nodded, respecting my answer. We have a project to make and he chooses my house to go to because it's the nearest to Shiratorizawa Academy and if we ever finished this project until midnight, at least he will never worry about me. Actually I have a crush on him ever since first year, we have been classmates since first year of high school.

"This is my house, sorry it's a bit messy........I didn't clean it yesterday"I said as he nods and looked at the photos in the table

"Where's you parents?"he asked as I flinched but quickly composed myself

"U-um their at their work! Overseas!"I said as he cocked his eyebrow a bit then nods

"Okay.......well anyways let's do the project?"he asked as I sighed in relief in just a small tone, I nodded and we go upstairs to my room.

Hayato's POV

There's something suspicious around here......and (L/N)-san looked like she haven't eaten in three whole weeks! Her skin is paler than her usual (S/C), her lips is paler than her normal color lips, and her eyes are dull.......back when we were still at first year, her eyes are full of light, color, and cheerfulness. After doing the project we didn't notice that it's already late, and I got a text from my mom that says she locked me out. I sighed and looked at (L/N)-san who quietly rechecking the project.

"Um (L/N)-san?"I asked her as she looked at me

"Hm? What's wrong Yamagata-kun?"she asked as she cutely tucked a bit of her (Long/Short) hair behind her ear.

"M-my mother locked me can I sleep here? It's Saturday tomorrow anyways"I said as she looked at me and nodded

"It's's not like my parents are home anyways"she said as I looked at her......wait what?

"You're parents are never home?"I asked as she stiffened her shoulders while I stared at her, she actually wore a hoody and a pajamas so I can't see her bruises and cuts.

"O-o-oh uh yeah, they were never home this week! You know work?"she asked as I looked at her and I nodded, she smiled and got up

"I'll get you something from my dad's clothes, I'm sure you are just about the same height"she said as I nodded while she walked over to her father's room. I then look to her room, its spacious to be completely honest, her house is like a triple size of a apartment.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THIBK YOUR DOING!? SNEAKING UP ONTO MY ROOM!?"I then heard a shout of a male, it sounded old while I sprung into action. I then opened the door slowly to see Mr. (L/N) slapped his daughter, hard. I widened my eyes while (L/N)-san fell back onto the wall, blood rushing out of her lips.

"YOU PIECE OF TRASH! YOU SHOULD DIE IN HELL!"Mr. (L/N) said as I was completely out of (L/N)-san's room and kicked Mr. (L/N) on the side.

"What the------OI WHO ARE YOU!?"he asked as I picked (L/N)-san up while she was unconscious

"I'm Hayato Yamagata, her classmate since 1st year. I noticed something in 2nd year that she has a lot of bruises and cuts all around her body........I knew something is suspicious, I knew something was going on her house"I said as he was angered then a woman who has the same eye color (L/N)-san have came in while looking at me.

"Put my daughter down"she said as I looked at her, she seems fine

"I've read (L/N)-san's notes accidentally, and you two are abusing your own daughter? For cheating behind your backs? How pathetic"I said as they were angered more, luckily I found a way to call the police as soon as (L/N)-san left. Then both of them bring out guns? What the hell!?

"I'll kill you along my worthless daughter"the man said as I looked at my chest it's wet.......ah (L/N)-san must've woken up. Hearing those words are hurtful. Then we heard the back door and front door opening while I smiled

"PUT YOU'RE GUNS DOWN AND COME WITH US FOR THE POLICE!"the policemen arrived while I gripped (L/N)-san's shoulder and leaned on her ear

"I'll protect you, (L/N)-san......please live with me and my family.......I actually like you since 2nd year"I said as she hugged my neck and nodded

"P-p-p-please don't say anything to the others"she said as I smiled and kissed her cheeks while she blushed

"Of course I wouldn't but you have to tell them before we graduate"I said as she nodded while smiling, her true smile is so pure and relaxing.


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