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The next week Thor came down to his brother alot. He brought playing cards and a chess board and both of them spent hours together in the tiny cold cell.
Even though they had fun together it always seemed like Loki couldn't really enjoy his time with Thor.

Exactly two weeks after Loki got captured by the Avengers Thor decided to have a deeper conversation with his brother.

They were playing chess as Thor cleared his throat. "Umm... Loki?"
The other man looked up in surprise. "Yes, Thor?"
"Well... You do remember last Sunday?"
Loki sighed. "Thor. I don't have a clue what day we have, or how long I've been here. So no, I don't know what happened last Sunday. But if you could be a bit more specific?"
"Well...", he didn't knew how to start,"It was the day I first came down here."
Loki's face froze. "I think we shouldn't -"
"Yes we should. Listen, brother, I just want to help you..."
Loki lowered his gaze and stared on the chess board. "It's your turn", he mumbled.
"Please listen to me. I just need an answer why you -"
"SHUT UP!", Loki snapped with a frantic look on his face. "Don't ask me, please, don't ask me such questions! I can't answer them, okay? I can't -"
Thor reached out to touch his brother's arm, but he pulled it away as if Thor was poisonous. "Don't touch me", Loki hissed.
"But Brother..."
"I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER! No matter how much I wish to be that, I'll never be! Please, leave! And take this puny mortal game with you!" With his last sentence he threw the board across the room. He looked almost manic, like he was not himself.
This was the first time Thor was truly scared of Loki. "Please, calm down. They are watching us. If you act up too crazy they'll -"
"Crazy? Do you think I'm crazy? Of course you do! You're the perfect guy, strong, handsome, everyone loves you! So of course I..." Suddenly he stopped talking, and Thor knew why. There were steps coming closer.

"Thor, come out!", a voice shouted. Stark, Rogers and Banner were just opening the cell to help him.
"GET OUT!", Loki shouted and stood up.
"It's okay", Thor tried to explain, "He's just a bit overreacting."
But the three Avengers entered the room, and Thor saw they carried something like a white jacket with it's sleeves attached to the body.
"What's that?!", Loki asked as he saw the straight jacket in Rogers hands.
As no one answered he moved back till his back touched the wall. But there was no way out for him.

"I think he cooled down again", Thor said probably just as much in panic as his brother.
But the others just ignored him, well, except for Banner. He turned around and said "Please, go out. You mustn't see this."
Finally Thor left, but he could hear his brother's screams all the way up to his room.

He screamed his name.

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