"Listen, Loki, I don't want to hurt you...", Iron Man said, trying to calm him down. After he spoke he realized that he wasn't lying. He was sorry for hurting the god, and he also felt guilty. Loki seemed... Different than the last days. He didn't knew why, but Stark was afraid it was his fault.
Loki laughed. "Oh, of course you don't. You just SHOT ME AND TRIED TO KILL ME! But nooo, you would never hurt me, of course not! Hahaha, and I thought I was good at lying!"
"Please. This is not the real you. Calm down. I am sorry and I know I did a mistake. You didn't do anything wrong." Iron Man landed in front of him, trying to touch Loki to calm him down."Do not dare to touch me. I will not calm down, and I will not believe you. I tried, okay? I really tried. I wore this stupid straight jacket, I spent two months in a cell, wasting my time with playing shitty games with my brother... I could have done so much more in that time and I am not planning to obey you anymore. I am a god, and you are just a human. Humans are just existing to bow down to me, because -"
A nasty cracking sound could be heard as Thor slammed his hammer against his brother's head. Loki's eyes rolled around so you could just see the white scleras and he fell to the ground.
"Thanks", Stark mumbled in Thor's direction, picking the unconscious god up.Short time later he arrived at the headquarters. Thor was already there, and somebody had cleaned the mess at Loki's cell up. But they couldn't leave him there, he could escape again. So they'd have to find another place for him.
But first Banner had to patch him up.
"Well, Stark'', he said while he stabilized the injured leg and placed a splint on it. "Looks like you destroyed his joint completely. I'll check the rest of his body in case he hurt himself as he jumped out of the window. Could you help me, please?"
Stark and Banner tried to undress the god, while his brother was standing in the corner and watched them tired. It seemed like he was afraid Stark could injure Loki again."Oh god." Both Banner and Stark stared at the pale upper body of the unconscious man. "What?", Thor asked with a slight bit of fear in his voice and walked over to the operating table.
The body of his brother was covered in deep, mainly not fully healed wounds and scars.
But the worst was his lower arm. It was discolored to a dark purple and lots of little injection marks covered the bloodshot area. "What the..." Thor didn't knew what to say. First he felt pity, but then rage filled his heart. There was just one possible explanation for this.
"Father", the thunderer whispered. Odin must be the reason to this distortion.Just at this moment Loki opened his blue eyes. Wait... Blue?
Stark was surprised. He could have sworn that his eyes were green as they earlier met in New York.
Loki moaned in pain and lifted his arm to hold his head, as he realized his upper body was naked. "What?!Why am I naked? What happened?!"Then he seemed to remember the last hours and covered his face in his hands. "I am so sorry... I don't know why I did this..."
"Well", Stark said, "I have a theory about that..."

Together (A Loki/Avengers Fanfiction)
FanfictionImagine Loki would have been locked away in a cell at the Avengers' headquarters and not in Asgard, because he promises the Avengers to change if they would not bring him back there. Will he keep his promise? Or is it all a trick? NOTE I am planning...