**A week later**
After what seemed like decades Stark could convince Loki to take some medication against his disorder.It was his first day of taking these pills, and Loki felt pretty uncomfortable with it. He felt like a mortal, because what kind of god needed the medication of Midgardians?
That night he couldn't sleep. The god laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling as the noise began. Loud bangs and bright lights made him jump um and run to the window.
They were under attack.
As fast as he could he ran to the door, down the hall to Thor's room.
He didn't even knock but just entered the room.
"Thor! We are under attack! You have to stand up!" He ran to the bed of his brother, who was slowly waking up.
"But brother", Thor mumbled, "Today is the last day of the year. It's normal. They call it New Years Eve."
Thor sighed and smiled at the confused man. "Come here." He lifted his blanket to suggest the younger one he could join him. "I'll protect you."Together they laid under the blanket, Loki curled up at his brother's chest, shaking. "Why are mortals so strange?", he asked and Thor laughed. "I don't know, dear brother. But we have to accept their strange behavior, I think."
The older one laid his arm around his younger brother, remembering when they were younger...Thunder growled outside the window, as the two boys hid under the blanket of the older one. Thor wasn't afraid of thunderstorms, but the younger one was. The little boy was shaking and with every lightning and thunder he flinched.
"Calm down, little brother", Thor said smiling "I will protect you from the storm. I will always protect you."
Loki looked up and hugged the older one tightly. A laugh left Thor's mouth as he said: "I love you, Loki."
"I love you, too."An especially loud and bright firecracker exploded nearby and Loki flinched.
"Why are they doing this?", he mumbled into the shoulder of Thor.
"I actually don't know. But they surely have a reason. You want to hear some music to relax a bit?"They went to the living room, Thor having an arm around his brother's shoulders.
Both of them went to the large windows and looked outside. Stark and Banner were standing outside, surrounded by rockets and firecrackers." So they are the reason for this noise", Loki stated.
Thor took the remote control and turned the TV on. Again Loki flinched and turned around."He's pretty jumpy", Thor thought and looked at his brother. The classical music coming from the TV seemed to calm him down a bit. Yawning the older one sat down behind the younger brother, hugging him from behind. Both of them looked outside and watched the two Avengers.
Between three and four o'clock they fell asleep to the calming music.
The last thing Thor was thinking was how cute his brother looked illuminated by the pale moonlight.

Together (A Loki/Avengers Fanfiction)
FanfictionImagine Loki would have been locked away in a cell at the Avengers' headquarters and not in Asgard, because he promises the Avengers to change if they would not bring him back there. Will he keep his promise? Or is it all a trick? NOTE I am planning...