**One Month later**
After the night the two gods had spent together everything had changed. They met daily, Thor coming down to his cell, playing cards and talking all day.
The other Avengers watched them from time to time, but slowly almost everyone started believing that Loki and Thor would get along without being watched all the time.But something else has happened. Peter Parker a.k.a. Spiderman had joined the Avengers a week ago. He was now at the headquarters almost all the time. Stark and he got along pretty good, and when Peter was around, Stark seemed to... feel. Not in a sexual way, but like he had to care for their new member... Like a father.
A few days ago they told Peter about Loki. At first he was shocked, but soon he wanted to meet him. Just like almost anyone on the planet he knew the god of mischief as purely evil and couldn't really imagine him as nice.
So this Saturday Morning Peter and Stark walked down the stairs to the floor were the cell was.
Loki and Thor were just sitting at the table they added to his cell to make it more comfortable and played cards.As the two Avengers arrived in front of the cell Loki lifted his head. After looking at them for a l while he asked: "Who are you?"
"I am Peter Parker. You know, I'm Spiderman...The new Avenger." As he said the word avenger he smiled proudly. "I just wanted to introduce myself."
Loki stood up, slowly walking to the glass wall.
Peter was a bit afraid of him, even though he'd never tell anyone. But as Loki spoke again the tension seemed to leave his body and he somehow felt safe. This was probably one of his magic tricks, but Peter didn't care. The aura of this man made him feel comfy and secure.
"Well, I am Loki, but you already know who I am. Nice to meet you Peter."
They stared at each other, till Loki laughed with a light voice and returned to the table."Why do you do this?", Thor asked as the visitors were gone.
"What do you mean?" Loki was paler than usual and shaking.
"You used your magic on the boy. Why? I know you're not that strong now, because of whatever you don't want to tell me. So why are you using your weakened power on the boy?"The other god looked down at his cards, then he sighed. "He was afraid. I just don't... want to be feared anymore."
"But you could just have done this without magic", his brother replied.
"And how? I'm not that good at this social thing..."
Thor laughed and Loki looked up lifting an eyebrow. "You'll learn, lil brother."
At first he wanted to say something about him not being his brother. But then he changed his mind and smiled. "I guess you're right."

Together (A Loki/Avengers Fanfiction)
FanfictionImagine Loki would have been locked away in a cell at the Avengers' headquarters and not in Asgard, because he promises the Avengers to change if they would not bring him back there. Will he keep his promise? Or is it all a trick? NOTE I am planning...