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As Loki awoke he laid on a bed, covered in warm blankets and his hurting head resting on soft pillows. Sighing he pulled the blankets higher and smiled.
"You're awake", a familiar voice said next to him. Shocked the god sat up and opened his eyes. That turned out to be a bad idea, because his head felt like it was about to explode.

His brother was sitting next to him and looked at him with sorrowful eyes.
"What's wrong?", Loki asked with a raspy voice and touched the hurting part of his head carefully.
"Nothing, my dear. Just lay down again."
"Thor. I can tell when you lie. What's wrong, and be honest this time."
The taller one stroked the smooth black hair of his sibling while explaining: "As you were sleeping you talked. Sounded like you said "Odin" from time to time."
"I can't remember anything of my dream. Must have been a coincidence."
Thor shook his head. "Now you're lying. Why did you mention father?"
Thor seemed to slowly get angry, and Loki knew that he was vulnerable right now. "You'll tell me who did this to you. And no lies, okay?"

Anger filled Thor's body. He was already sure that this was the fault of Odin, but he wanted to hear it from his brother.
Speaking of his brother, the arrow seemed to affect him more than they thought. He slept for 12 hours straight and still looked a bit groggy.

"I...", the younger man stopped, avoiding the gaze of his brother he picked on the skin of his palm. After a while he continued talking. "I can't tell you. I had to solemnly swear to him I wouldn't tell you anything."

Angrily Thor jumped up. What had his father done to him? He always knew his brother as a sarcastic, confident and, to be honest, sometimes unnerving individual.
But now he was a nervous wreck, jumping at the slightest of sounds, not even able to look him in the eyes.

Yes, there were times he hated his brother, but now Thor just wanted the confident and sarcastic Loki back.
"Who is him?", Thor shouted, as he noticed Loki was shaking.

He is afraid of me.

"Oh, brother, I am not angry at you. I am angry at father because I know this is his fault."
The black haired man looked up in surprise and disbelief. "But... why are you shouting at me then?"
"I don't know. I just... I don't know how to feel about this." He could not explain how he felt, but he didn't needed to. Loki understood.
"May I... hug you?"
Thor looked at him surprised. "You don't have to ask for hugs."
"I'm sorry." Again the now blue eyed man looked away as Thor gently lifted his head with his hand placed under Loki's chin.
"Don't say sorry." Then he sat down next to him and hugged him tight.

Peter was cuddled up in a blanket and sat on the couch, sipping on a tea Stark had made him, while he watched a cartoon on the large tv in the living room.
It was already ten p.m. as Stark entered the room to bring Peter to bed. As he looked at the couch the boy laid there, sleeping.

Smiling the man sat down next to him, turned the tv off and touched the forehead of the youngest Avenger.
It was hotter and sweaty, his fever definitely increased.
Sighing Stark leaned back, stretching his tired limbs before picking Peter up and carrying him to his room.
This lung infection seemed to be bad.

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