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Daily dose of mental health;

I lost all the positively in life. There is just sarcasm and zero fucks to give.

 There is just sarcasm and zero fucks to give

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It was two weeks after the incident with Sim.

I haven't had the faintest idea what happened to Sim after he was taken to the basement. I was back in my room at the whore house.

Hades offered me one of the rooms at the fifth floor, one next to his. I declined.

I didn't like the look of pity
people kept sending toward me in this house. It made me feel cheap and low.

I hated how Hades looked at me, like I was fragile and I will break just in a moment.

I hated every stair that came at my direction. I hated every bit of it.

So I took up as much as work I could do.

Starting from cleaning the floors to the kitchen. I was pilling works on top of me so that when I go to sleep I am tired enough that there is no dream, just blank darkness.

Hades's room was almost impossible to clean given that it was already spotless and tidy. I am not sure how much tidy a man's room is supposed to be but the bed was always made, the cloths are regularly in the hamper, the dresser top is tidy and so is the desk.

So my only thing to do in his room was to take the hamper cloths out.

I walked into his walk-in closet and picked up the small pile of cloth from the basket and carried it down to the laundry room.

The whole house was bursting with maids running here and there. It's cleaning day for the week and so it's good for me.

I can work and work and get tired and hopefully welcome the food night sleep.

The nightmares won't stop with out a hard effort.

They always find a way to come back to my head, no matter how much I try.

Sometimes at night I wake up screaming, bathed in my sweat and tears only to find Miri shaking me awake, tears in her eyes.

The sleeping meds help sometimes but it usually doesn't.

After I was done till lunch was I back into my small room thinking of a shower since I didn't take one when I got up.

Stripping out of my shirt and leggings I walked into the joined bathroom, the one I and Miri share.

The shower took a minute to get warm. Once it was warm I stepped into the small shower and pulled the curtains.

It was good, after the morning work I kind of reeked of the kitchens and oil. So it was nice to get cleaned up.

After I was done with the shower I wrapped a towel over my head and another around my body, careful not to wet the surface I walked into my room.

My dresser had a semi-full length mirror that made me able to see myself upto my pelvis.

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