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DAY 2, 7:00 A.M

Christine woke up with a really bad headache. She had these dreams of a desolate town. The same town she was born and lived in for her life. It was all dark and dreary. Zean and Miriam's faces, flooded her dream. She just shook the pain away and got ready to school.

As she was walking to school, she had thoughts about the previous conversation she had with Viggo last night. This "rumor" kept her up all night as well.

This rumor doesn't seem real at all. It explains a bit about what happened but science and psychology can explain it as well. I mean, seriously, a cursed town. The town where she literally grew up in is somehow cursed and a mass genocide happened here.

Christine just sighed and cleared her thoughts as she entered the school and into her classroom. She saw Angie, Charlie and Ian huddled in a corner of the classroom. As she was walking forward, she noticed a seat near hers. It was Miriam's, it was unoccupied. She seemed to miss her usual stories about her stalking Zean around or making her usual and "foolproof" plans to win him over.

She approached the group and heard they were talking about their homework they had today but the atmosphere seemed off somehow. Ian was shaking in his boots as well as Charlie not fully paying attention. The only thing that didnt seem to change was Angie's usually bubbly and happy attitude.

"Hey Christine, did you do your Math homework?" asked Angie.

"Wait, don't you all know what happened yesterday?" asked Christine.

Everyone kept quiet except Angie.

"What do you mean, Christine?" asked Angie.

"You know, Miriam and Zean. They died yesterday."

"Huh, are you okay, Christine? Sir Joms said that she and Zean's families moved away from town. I wish them the best though." replied Angie.

"Moved away?"

She didnt expect this. She was really sure it happened yesterday.

They died. I know it. It can't just be fake. It must be real. It all seemed real. They don't know but how. Now that I think of it, it wasn't mentioned in the news at all. What the hell is going on here? Wait, Viggo told me he'll tell me something at lunch. He must have an explanation.

The day then passed on regularly as if nothing has happened, as if Zean and Miriam never even existed in the first place.

LUNCH 12:00 P.M

Viggo usually goes up the roof whenever there is free time or during lunch. It was public news at this point. She head on towards the roof to find Viggo and lucky for her, he was there. Huddled in a corner, book in hand, was Viggo.

"Hey, you wanted to talk to me about something?" she asked.

"Yeah, there is something note discussion." Viggo replied.

He grabs his bag and pulls out a folder and handed it to Christine.

"If you still don't believe me, I hope this satisfies your crave for evidence."

She opens up the folder where pictures and notes attached to them were inside. The first picture was a mutilated body inside what seemed like a bar, blood was sprawled all over the countertop and the taps. Rum bottles were broken all over the floor, as if they were used as a weapon. The second picture had a woman stripped completely naked and nailed on a cross. It seems like she was raped before, maybe after she was killed. The final picture looked quite recent, something that was probably 20 years ago. It was a kid, with his head bashed wide open. Blood and brains were all over the concrete. What makes this more unsettling is that it looks to have happened in front of the school.

She was ready to puke but seeing after what she witnessed yesterday, she held it in.

"Incidents from the past, it keeps happening, repeating. You must have noticed no one knows what happened yesterday."

"Yeah, why is that?" Christine asked.

"More questions than answers is what we have, Christine. I don't know everything but I think I may have a plan."

"A plan? A plan on what?"

"A plan to rid this thing once and for all."

"Are you freaking kidding me? Ok, I appreciate the enthusiasm but I am not risking myself to be like one of the bodies in that picture for something that may not even work." she debated.

"What we lack is knowledge but in exchange we are abundant in fate. I'm asking for your help for you are the only who has witnessed something like this including me. We have to stop this from happening again and again. These people had their futures ripped away from then. We can't do that to the next generations."

Christine swirled the thought around her head and was about to retort until someone joined the conversation.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." a male voice said. It was Adrian, the dropout of the school. Known for his reputation as a delinquent, everyone knows he is trouble.

"It seems little princess here and the nerd are together. What exactly do we have here, lovebirds?" Adrian said pridefully.

"Its none of your business jackass. Get lost." Viggo remarked.

"The hell you said to me. I'll bash your head in.". Adrian grabbed Viggo by the collar and was about to beat him down until Christine intervened.

"Hey, stop it. Its nothing, Adrian. I just needed some help with homework." she said.

"Well if that's the case, little bird. All you need is to approach me and I'm always here to satisfy you and your problems." Adrian said as he lifted her chin. "Well I got better things to do than this. See ya later loser" he said to Viggo and with that he was gone.

"What a jerk-anyways class is starting soon. So what do you say? You in?" Viggo asked Christine, holding out his hand.

"Yeah sure." she answered, shaking his hand. The both of them went down to class, not knowing another tragedy about to happen.



6:00 P.M

Adrian was in his car, with a woman inside. The woman rode Adrian inside intensely until they both climaxed. She took his member out and sat next to him at the backseat.

"Well that was fun." replied Lilian.

"Yeah, it sure was." Adrian said

"I'm gonna pop a smoke outside. Just going to cool off and we can go for another round." he said as he exited the car.

Adrian took out a cigarette and his lighter. He put the cigarette in his mouth and tried to light the lighter. He tried lighting it but it failed.

Stupid piece of crap, not working again.

It took a few more tries but it eventually lit. He lit his cigarette but when he looked forward, his mind dropped.

Where the hell--??

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