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DAY 6, 12:45 P.M

He sat on his swivel chair and laid his shot glass down on the table in front of him. Right across from him was the drunkard the woman sent. He downed 3 and a half bottles of whiskey with ease as if it was just water to him. He burped as if he was finished.

"Hey, do you have a name?" asked Acrisius, standing up from his chair.

The drunkard just burped once again and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you talk?"

The drunkard left no response whatsoever.

"Can you atleast give something to call you by?"

The drunkard sighed and made a 6 with his fingers. 5 in one hand and 1 on the other.

"6? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

The drunkard sat up as well and looked at Acrisius like he's anxious.

"Its time we head out, 6. We've got to kill that son of a bitch quickly to avoid unnecessary problems."

The drunkard grunted in agreement and opened the door as Acrisius walked through. A skinny man walked over to Acrisius.

"Eh-Boss? What's the matter? Where you going?" he asked.

Acrisius pointed at him and ordered, "You, spread this order. Get me Adrian, dead or alive. Use whatever you need to kill him, just bring him to me. Anyone who succeeds gets a bonus."

"SI-SIR YES SIR!!" saluted the skinny man as he rushed out of the court. They left the food court and headed down the escalator where he could see people scattering around, grabbing weapons and heading out of the doors.

As they reached the ground floor,  he ordered some men who were just about to leave to come over to him. Naturally, they obeyed.

"Some of you stay here and guard every possible entrance we have to this mall. He may come through here and destroy the place god knows how. I will be heading out as well. If I see the place in ruins and see you people on the streets, I'll beat your heads on the pavement. Understand?"

They nodded their heads and proceeded to plan their guards.

Acrisius faced 6 and said, "You probably heard, I'm heading out as well. We should split up to cover more ground. Here, take this walkie talkie."

6 grabbed the walkie talkie from his hand and looked at it. He kept it in his pocket for now.

"If you spot him or anyone else suspicious, press the button and give me something like your location. I will be there. Same goes for me. Got it?"

The drunk nodded his head and rushed out a glass door. Acrisius watched him hobble his way down the street and went the opposite direction. It was a few minutes of walking until he encountered someone unfamiliar. It was an old man in a wheelchair inside a little coffee shop across the street. Acrisius headed inside and approached him.

"Excuse me pops, who the hell are you and what are you doing here? You don't belong here."

The old man just smiled up at him and examined him with his eyes.

"You're a big man huh. Hell-men these days, giants I tell you." said the old man, scratching his head.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Whoa now-dont you use that language on me. After all, I'm here to help you."

"Help with what?"

The old man smirked, "There were kids who passed through. They seemed to be looking for something."

"Kids?" Acrisius thought to himself until he realized it was those kids from the school.

Shit, what the hell are they doing here? They're going to ruin everything. What the fuck-

"I know right, haha. I intercepted for you don't worry."


"Son, I stopped them for now. Hopefully they're all dead but not likely."

"Ho-how did you know what I was thinking?"

The old man laughed and said, "Oh boy, Acrisius. The greatest magicians never reveal their secrets."

"What the hell-how did you know my name?" Acrisius shouted.

"One last tip of advice, I don't think the kids are the only people you should worry about." replied the old man as he wheeled himself out of the shop and out of the broken door.

Acrisius had a lot more questions but when he walked outside, the old man was gone. He searched around but it was like he vanished into air.

Not the only people to worry about, crap-a third party? What the hell did we do this time? Shit-it may be the government. Crap-I need to head back.

Just as he turned around, his eyes met with a sword being swinged at him. Acrisius' arms glew blue circuits and grabbed the sword out of pure instinct. The user's hand let go of the sword and backed away a few steps.

"Who are you?" replied the stranger. He had a hood on that covered his whole face. His clothing was all black. He revealed his face to Acrisius as he brings the hoodie down. The stranger had a scruffy beard and was nearly approaching his 40s.

"I can ask you the same question. Get the fuck away from my territory." said Acrisius, breaking the sword in half with his knee.

"You weren't supposed to be a part of this. Shit-well, nothing we can do now."

The stranger's hands started turning bright yellow until the color left his hands and formed circles around his wrist. He pointed one hand at Acrisius.

"Final warning, get the hell out of my way, big guy. I have bigger fish to fry." ordered the stranger.

"Fuck you." said Acrisius as he rushes towards the stranger.

The stranger made some hand gestures and yellow chains started coming out of the ground. The chains wrapped around Acrisius' arms and legs that brought him to his knees.

"Didnt have to end this way. It was you call." replied the stranger as he stands over Acrisius slowly being pulled lower. His back hurt as all hell and lifted himself up with a pull. Blue circuits appeared again on his body and he pulled with his whole strength, breaking the chains.He grabs the stranger by the neck and hurls him towards a building in front of him. The throw was so strong, he went flying straight through the concrete wall, leaving a hole in the wall.

"Try that bitch." said Acrisius as he walks away, suddenly he notices an aura being emitted.

He looked around but then he looked up the building in where he threw the stranger. On the roof was a hooded man with yellow glyphs and circles on his wrists.

"Want to play it that way, Mr. Acrisius? Fine, let's have a little dance."

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