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DAY 6, 1:00 A.M

They were all driving towards The Salvation. It was common knowledge the gang resides around the abandoned slums; the only problem is where. Its easier to know what area a place is in but its another topic where exactly they live in.

As they entered the slums, they had an odd feeling. Something was about to go wrong and they just realized how stupid this plan was. They had no clue how to exact revenge on them.

"So let's say we do find them, what do we do then?" asked Ian, breaking the silence.

"We are sure the lady with the helmet is one of them?" asked Yennifer as well.

"She has to be-she could be working with Adrian and the others. If we find them, let's burn everything like last time." said Pamela.

"If we do that, more eyes will be on Angelo and if none of the gang is killed in the aftermath, they'll go for him, maybe even us if we get spotted." said Viggo, clutching his notebook.

"What's in there, Viggo?" asked Angelo.

"Everything I researched on the woman. The Salvation must have a connection to this. They wouldn't kill Angeline who was close to the truth for no reason."

As they drove through the streets, an old man in a wheelchair appeared around a corner. He seemed to be crossing the road but he stopped in the middle of the lane, right as they were about to drive through.

"STOP THE DAMN BUS, IAN. BRAAKES!!" screamed Charlie, making everyone look towards the front.

"I CAN'T, THEYRE STUCK!!" shouted Ian, stepping on the brakes as hard as he can to no use. They continued heading straight for the man.

"Oh fuck-" whispered Angie, right when they are about to run through the elderly until something happened.

Next thing they knew, they were mid-air inside the bus as if they were floating. It all lasted for a split second as the bus flipped over the elder man. The bus tumbled over it's sides shaking the passengers inside. All of them hanged on for dear life as the bus flipped and crashed on it's sides.

When it ended, they all lay on their backs amidst the broken glass and pieces of metal everywhere. Angie smelled smoke a second later and looked over the driver's seat to find oil spilled everywhere and a lone plug popping electricity everywhere. The oil eventually caught flames and it started to creep towards them.

"Shi-shit guys. We have to go, go now." said Angie, in a low voice as she crawled out of the bus.

Pamela then started regaining consciousness and started to get out until she felt something in her pocket. It was the pen she picked up from her dream this morning. She only realized she had it now and she eventually got out.

The rest of them crawled away with only a few scratches as the whole bus started to get engulfed in flames. As they were trying to stand, an explosion from the bus released a shockwave that brought back to the ground.

Yennifer coughs, "Ah crap-my whole body hurts like hell itself."

"What the hell even happened?" asked Pamela.

"Wait-the old man. Where did he-?" asked Angie as she looks towards the road. She found nothing, he wasn't there anymore. "He-he's gone."

"What the hell-" said Ian, kicking a garbage can down.

"Well-we are stuck here for the time being. Let's search around." said Viggo, walking down the street.

They were homeless, one of them is probably being hunted right as they speak. They wandered the streets hoping to have any indication of a gang base but so far no luck.

"Hey-let's split. We have to split up for now if we want to get shit done." suggested Viggo.

"What-no. That sounds like a horror movie plan. We are gonna get gutted." cried out Christine.

"Well-we are in the thick of it now. If none of us finishes this today before night time, we are surely dead."

"Theres got to be another--"

"No more, Christine. Who's with me?"

Mostly all of them raised their hands except Christine and Charlie. They knew how risky it is to split up but if they don't finish this today, they will not survive in these parts.

"Its final then. Let's split into teams. Once we find the place, you message the rest ASAP. No excuses. We all head there quickly and torch the place. After that, we book it out of there. Sounds like a plan?" asked Viggo. Everyone nodded. "All right then. See you all later."

The eight of them then split into three groups:

-Viggo, Christine, Angie
-Angelo, Ian, Pamela
-Yennifer, Charlie

All of them waved goodbye and went their separate ways.

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