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Gunfire rang through the various floors of the mall. Every soldier who were inside tried to fire back at their mysterious opponents only to be met by knives and forks flying towards them. It was a massacre inside. No bullet could reach the wheelchair-bound man. He was on the bottom floor and looked at the shades of blood being scattered everywhere with his old, gray eyes.

The hooded stranger was on the top floor in the food court. The screams of men rang through his ears as another raven dropped on his shoulders.

"Looks like we were too late." said the raven.

"Yeah, but so were they." responded the hooded stranger.

The raven somehow let out a sigh. "What about the girl? Are you sure that she's--"

"Yes, I can feel it."

"Whatever you say. Anyway, looks like everything is falling into place."

"Not everything, mind you."

"Yes but "they" are here. If we don't take this oppurtunity, our fighting chance will be gone to the wind."

"So you mean-the others are here as well?"

"Yes. And hurry. Bring them to me, Rolo."

Rolo sighed, "Sure, brother. Get an exit for us, you hear me?"

The raven started to hover above him and squawked. It dissapeared by turning into a pile of feathers.


A soldier was sent flying and crashes into a nearby military truck.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE?!?" shouted one of the soldiers as an axe cracked his chest and killed him.

Some soldiers started to run, others ran inside their trucks and booked it out of there. About 10 people lay dead as Bjorn and Charlie walked through them.

"Why exactly did we kill the military?!" asked Charlie.

"They're faux. Trust me on this. They may seen to be on your side but in reality, they were never there to begin with."

All of a sudden, gunfire and screams was heard in the mall. They looked at each other before rushing in. Bjorn kicked the doors down to find an old man in a wheelchair facing them. Dead bodies were all around him. They lay on his feet, some were on the railings and a few were pinned to the wall.

"What the hell!" shouted Charlie.

Both of them went inside and approached the old man. The doors behind them suddenly slammed shut and was barred from the outside. All of the other entrances and exits closed as well. The old man just sat there at the middle of the floor.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Charlie.

Bjorn gulped and said with a shaky voice, "Charlie, li-listen to m-me."

"What is it?"

"Get out of here now. That is a direct order. You are gonna get killed if you stay here."

"Hell no-i am fighting with you."

Bjorn pulls out his axe and plays it around his hand. "Fine-then your grave will not be known by anyone."

The old man finally spoke as they approached him. "Bjorn Ironside, it seems we have a common interest."

"Yeah, probably so. You're not mistaking it. Well-any last words?"

The old man chuckled and said, "That is supposed to be my line. Prepare for your death."

Knives came out of various fast food chains.  They surrounded him and was being prepared to be launched at Bjorn and Charlie.

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