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DAY 6, 1:15 A.M

She was with Angelo and Ian, roaming around the streets of the slums. The barrels looked to be previously lit for a while now. They tried to avoid attention by sneaking past bystanders, hiding behind dumpsters.

"Do you all have an idea what tho hideout could look like?" asked Pamela as she crouches behind a dumpster.

"I have no clue for all we know it might be a mother's basement." whispered Ian.

"Why do you keep bringing that along, Pamela?" asks Angelo, pointing at the pen Pamela is bringing along.

"Its something I picked up from my dream. It was like it transferred to here apparently."

"Well alright then, we should start moving." said Angelo, moving to a nearby dumpster.

They continued their journey searching until they ran into a bump to their plan.

"Here that mate, we have to kill someone in our ranks." said a nearby voice.

They heard it as they rounded a corner and as soon as they noticed it, they ran back behind the wall and listened.

"Shh, keep it low." said Pamela.

"Who are we killing? Don't tell me its one of those really hot chicks who tried to run." replied another voice.

"No dude-its Adrian."

"Adrian? The kid? What the hell did he do this time? He should've had his head split right open a long time ago."

"Well-keep your eyes open. Who knows, if we find him and bring the boss his head, we may find ourselves a fat paycheck." the man laughed.

"Yeah. The only thing that's fat you're getting is your wife."

"Hey-fuck you man. Come on, let's go find this piece of shit."

They heard footsteps slowly move further until they couldn't be heard anymore. Pamela took a peek around the corner and was relieved to see no one was there anymore.

"Come on. Let's move, if they were here then that means the base must be nearby." replied Pamela, coming out of the corner and walking down the street slowly.

"Wait. Something doesn't add up." said Ian, stopping for a bit.

"What is it?" asked Angelo.

"Come on, Ian. We have to move quickly." said Pamela, continuing to walk forward.

"Why kill Adrian though? Did he fail a job or something?" asked Ian

"Well from the looks of it, yeah. He did screw something up. Adrian probably needed to kill Angeline, maybe even me but people witnessed it. Thats a major ass screw up." whispered Pamela.

They continued to walk until they reached a park. The grass was still green regardless the amounts of trash littered around. The trash bins are filled with garbage and the trees are starting to die. Leaves were all around. Benches were broken and the cement walkways were cracked. The whole area seems to be not maintained.

"We have been almost walking for 20 minutes. Where in the hell? It doesn't give us any hints or clues." cried Angelo.

Suddenly, a laser was pointed straight at Angelo's chest. Pamela immediately noticing it, tackled Angelo. She took him to the ground as a shot can be heard. The bullet burrowed into the dirt and the gunpowder trail was left behind in the air. They ducked and ran for the nearest cover they could find which was a huge giant brick wall near the bathroom stalls.

"What the fuck was that!!" panicked Ian.

"I nearly died." cried Angelo.

"Shh. Stay fucking quiet, you idiots." whispered Pamela.

As soon as the silence hit the air, a thud could be heard and a bullet clinking to the ground.

"Awe-that was pretty close. Pretty s-s-sad. Why don't you thwee give me all your belongings and I shall take magnificent care of them. " slithered the voice of a male.

"Who the hel-" said Ian until he was interrupted by a loud shout.

"I SSSSSSEE YOU" shouted the man as he swings an axe right from behind the corner straight for Ian.

Ian ducks just in the nick of time as the axe made a huge clean crack on the brick wall.

The man swinged a huge sword then at Ian as he was still ducking. In the nick of time, Angelo gave him a huge knuckle punch to the face. The man staggered backward and touched his broken nose, which was bleeding.

"Not bad, kid. Not bad at all." replied the man still clutching his sword. All three of them backed away slowly as they took a good look at him. The man had something like a bomber jacket and ripped jeans. He had such a long chin and his bangs were on the side of his head.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Ian.

"Utututut-now is not a good time. This time is what I would like to call it as killing time." eyeing Ian.

As the man approached, Pamela shouted, "RUNNN!!!"

The three of them ran in different directions, trying to confuse the man.

"Oh you poor kids." said the man, shaking his head. He drops his sword and somehow brings out a bow and arrow.

He aims for Pamela who was running through the middle of the park.

"Death always finds it's mark." whispered the man as he let the arrow loose.

Pamela took one last look behind her to see an arrow heading straight to her. She was about to accept her fate until someone showed up right behind her. The mysterious person moved so quickly that he managed to catch the arrow mid-air.

Pamela falls to the ground, shocked. She looks up and sees a large man, maybe 6,5". She could only see his back but he was wearing a huge pelt coat that was black. He had leather pants and boots on.

"You fucking bitch." cried out the slithery man.

As Pamela started to stand up behind the huge man, he said something that made her feel she was safe. The man spoke just like he was of dominance and no one could stop him.

"You disgust me. Aiming for such dirty tactics. Well-that won't work on me. THE NAME IS BJORN IRONSIDE FOR IT WILL BE THE FIRST AND LAST TIME YOU WILL BE HEARING IT!"

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