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DAY 6, 12:50 A.M

He had nightmares last night. He couldn't sleep well because of the massive beating he took back at the school and just the fear knowing if he doesn't accomplish his task, he will die. When he woke up from the carboard he slept on, his back hurt and his shoulders were stiff. A single hotdog was the thing he had for breakfast. As he was eating this morning, a thought him.

The Salvation is gonna fucking kill me. Shit-Acrisius maybe after my head. Fuck this cant be happening.

As he was finishing his hotdog, two men approached him from behind and shouted: "HEY KID, THE BOSS WANTS TO HAVE A LITTLE TEENSY WEENSY CHAT WITHCHA??"

The men pulled out homemade shivs out of toothbrushes. Adrian ran through the streets, continuously attracting more attention of The Salvation.

After he was sure he wasn't being followed anymore, he his behind a dumpster and found a fully-functioning watch. He checked it and found out it was 11:50 A.M.

If I could hide it out in the day, I should make it out of this shit hole during the night while they're all asleep. Just survive and hide it out.

He put on his watch and headed for what seemed like a drug store. He closed every door and made sure all of them were locked. Suddenly after 10 mins, his phone suddenly rang. He never really received any calls so he just leaves the ringtone on. He quickly answers it and trys to hide behind a bunch of boxes filled with syringes.

"He-hello?" answered Adrian.

"Hey kid, sorry for what happened . It was probably the adrenaline talking. Let's have a drink? Call me when you get this." Acrisius responded.

And just like that, Acrisius hang up. Footsteps can then be heard approaching the drug store he was in. They were the two men who started the chase but he noticed something just now as Adrian was peeking out the window as the two crossed the street. There was a wire on their torsos.

Oh FCK- they have a line. Shit-I'm found out.

Adrian then grabs his phone and smashes it to the ground, consequently leading to the destruction of the zone. As the two men opened the from door, Adrian was underneath the counter or cashier.

"The signal came from over here." said a deep voice.

Footsteps then reached the counter as Adrian hid further in. "Where the hell would the prick go?" said a slithery voice.

Adrian noticed a glass shard next to his feet so he grabs it and points it towards the light coming from the window. He sees the reflection of the two men, a skinny guy and a big muscled behemoth. They were starting to search around the drug store.

"I'm gonna go check on the aisles." replied the behemoth.

"Alright, I'll watch the entrances. Motherfucker might come back around and kill us."

The two separated as the behemoth walked further down the drugstore out of sight of Adrian. The skinny man just sat down on the counter and pulls out a pistol.

The skinny man starts whistling to himself as he plays with his gun, pointing it everywhere as if it was The Wild West all over again. He continues fiddling it around until an arm grabbed his neck from behind and pulled him to the ground.

Adrian got on top of him as he starts strangling him with his bare hands. He notices the pistol is still on his right hand and is now being aimed at him. He got off of him as he rolls out of the way as a bullet nearly hit him square in the head.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!" yelled the behemoth.

"Shit, he's here. He fucking tried to kill me this son of a bitch." replied the skinny man as he stands up and aims the gun again at Adrian who was just about to stand up.

Another shot went off as Adrian rolled out of the way and tackled the skinny guy on his stomach, pushing him to the ground. Adrian twists his wrist until a snap was heard and the pistol fell out of the his hand. He grabs it and shoots the guy in the head, leaving a pool of blood behind the counter.

Adrian breathes a sigh of relief but an overwhelming force grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and throws him backwards. He slammed against the wall and stood face to face with the large man who entered earlier. He let out a groan as he tried to stand up to no avail, he got the wind knocked out of him.

The behemoth grabbed him again by his shirt and lifted him up. He slammed him back down again with such strength that blood started coming out of Adrian's mouth. He got on top of Adrian and started to choke him.

"You did this to my friend eh. You're dying a slow and painful death, my friend. No one can save you no-" whispered the behemoth until a bullet  hole appeared on his neck.

Adrian shot him with his pistol which was still in his hand. He gasped for air while standing up and looked all over the mess he made. "Yeah-no one might save me."

He wobbled through the drugstore until he reached the back door which led into a dark alley. He hid behind a dumpster for now and sat down. Adrian could feel something is definitely broken in his body.

Adrian stood up after a few more minutes as he rested and got up from his hiding spot. What he saw when he got up was a fat guy blocking his way out of the alley.

"Hey Sir-Fats-A-Lot, get the fuck out of my way before I put a bullet through your head." cried out Adrian, pulling out his gun.

The fat guy just continued approaching him very slowly as he got a bottle from his belt and started drinking. Multiple bottles were on his belt, stains were on his shirt. Adrian got the feeling he is facing off against a normal drunkard.

He holstered his pistol into his jean's pocket and walked forward. "Hey buddy, grab a coffee. Someone had so much fun last night." said Adrian, jokingly.

He then saw a spark of light come out somewhere in front of him. It wasn't any light, it was like a flame. A quick ignition.

Adrian realized the spark came from the drunkard. Most specifically, his mouth. Out of pure primal instinct, he his back behind the dumpster as a torrent of flame headed straight for him.

He panted as the torrent kept continuing until it stopped. Adrian peeked around a corner and saw the drunkard creating a wall of flames, cutting off his one and only exit. What surprised him the most was the fire seemed to come out of the drunk's mouth.

Amidst the flames and the heavy, black smoke surrounding him, he saw the drunk approaching him. He heard a chilling, deep voice as the drunk continued to move towards him, walking over the flames he created.

The drunk recited a poem:

Born on a Monday
Christened on a Tuesday
Married on a Wednesday
Took ill on a Thursday
Grew worse on a Friday
Died on a Saturday
Buried on a Sunday

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