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DAY 2, ??? A.M/P.M

Where the hell-???

He was in a dark and desolate town. The sky all gray and the sun is pitch black. He looked back hoping to find the car he was just in but was surprised to see a giant tree, it was a gallows tree. The tree was gigantic, almost reaching the heavens. It's trunk is as thick as a skyscraper and bark riddled the trunk around.

He was even more horrified to see two bodies hanging from it. He spotted a teenage girl and a boy. The girl seemed short for her age, maybe 16 or so. The boy however seemed tall and fit, although his arms and legs were bent in such a grotesque manner. They both seemed to be from the same school for they had match in uniforms. What shook him the most was both of them were smiling a Chelsea smile.

He fell on his back, clearly shocked and scared. Adrian started running through the town, he just needed to get out of here.

Where the hell am I? This is isn't real haha. Some son of a bitch laced my cigarette with some drug or something. It will wear off right? Right?

Adrian eventually fell to the ground exhausted. He caught his breath for a quick second until a hand tightened around his neck. He tried to grab the hand but his own passed through it; it was as if the hand was a solid gas. The hand dragged him on the ground quickly as if leading him somewhere.

It pulled him up as if hanging him, cutting off his supply of oxygen. He came face to face with the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She had long, silky, black hair. A face so sweet and innocent. The eyes as blue as the ocean entranced him immediately to her. It was almost as if love at first sight.

"Who are you? You seem lost?" she asked. She had the most angelic voice he had ever heard.

He tried to reply but remembered he was being choked.

"Oh my-I am so sorry." the woman said. The hand let him go and he fell back to the ground, gasping for breath. "I thought you were just a stray animal that wandered here on accident. Please forgive me." she said.

"Its fine. I don't know half of what's going on either." Adrian replied.

"I don't know what's going on either. Hey- what if we escape together. I found a possible way out but I can't get to it without help." she answered.

"All right then, young lady. Lead the way."

She got a little chuckle out which made Adrian blush.

"All right, follow me. I think its not that far."

He followed this mysterious, cute woman through the town. He noticed the woman was wearing a long sleeve polo and some ripped jeans. She seemed like she came from the country.

After a few minutes of walking, they came across a large gate which seemed to be chained shut. Walls were on the side of the gate, which was nearly as high as a whole floor of a skyscraper. There was no way through this.

"Hey, how do we get past this? You said you found a way out."

"Cool your pants. Look over there." She pointed at a hole in the wall that seemed to fit a human through.

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