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I blow dry my hair while standing. Soon I regret choosing to stand so I snatch a stool and continued while sitting. I let out a low sigh.

Yes I am not yet recovered...

And today is the recital...

"This is going to hurt my pride so bad" I facepalmed myself. I can bearly fell asleep last night because I felt bad. Donghyuck is going to hurt his pride too and I'm the one causing it. The thought makes me anxious.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Suddenly the memory of dancing at the mall plays in my mind. A red hue crept on my cheeks.

I took a lip tint and placed a good amount on my lips. Then I put a little bit of gloss on top. I smiled with satisfaction looking at how I look. I head downstairs and pick up my heels before leaving.

I went to a bakery near my house to buy myself a small breakfast. The bell rings when I push open the door. The scent of freshly baked goods greets my nose. My stomach rumbles. I went near all the pastries.

My eyes are glued to one piece of pastry. It looked so tasty that My stomach started a parade in there.


I lick my bottom lips. It didn't take too long for me to chose my breakfast. "Imma ditch healthy breakfast today" I said as I grab a tray and a thong to pick up the piece. I was about to take it when my hand brushes someone's hand.

"Mien?" The voice called me. I look beside me and saw Donghyuck. "Hey...!" Me being dumb don't know how to react. "What are you doing here?" I ask him forgetting for the tiramisu for a moment. "Getting breakfast. Well it's Lele's order" He said and I giggled. "You look stunning" He rubs the back of his neck. Smilling "Yeah you too".

"Was it this tiramisu you wanted?" He points at it. I was confusex but nodded anyways. He took it and bring the full tray of the so called extra sweet breakfast to the counter for payment. He came back to me and handed me a paperbag with the Tiramisu inside.

We went out of the bakery and walked to school together. "Does it still hurt?" He ask."Just a little but I'm fine so no worries" I said. "Can you dance?" He raised a brow. "I can try?" I was unsure and afraid.

He stopped walking and pull me into a hug. "We will not hurt our pride so don't stress yourselves" I was a bit dumbfounded. His hug is warm and there's something different about it. There's a strange feeling in me that just doesn't make sense but I like it. I like how I'm feeling.

I like it a lot.

And I don't want it to end.


I let go of her. Kinda regret my move. I was unaware of what would happen. She just look at me with a soft smile on her face. "Can I trust you?" She asked. I looked at her with confusion.

"Lee Donghyuck can I trust you of taking care of the pride we carry?" She tilted her head and a sweet smile is flashed making my heartbeat goes wild. "Are you willing to give me your trust?" I asked her back. "If you're confident" she simply said before continuing to walk.




I hold my chest as if my life depends on it. How dare she make me go this crazy.

Looking so sassy and hot early in the morning. Make up so flawless and lips so luscious. Her hair brunete and shiny. It looks so healthy that anyone seeing will be sure she take care of it well. I press my lips into a thin line.

Does she wants me to die?

"I will not allow anything hurts you" I mumbled. "Donghyuck ah what are you waiting for?" She shouted. "Hold on" I said while running towards her and we head to school together.

Sugar Coated || LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now