Love me MORE

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From the first step in the college area everyone seems to have their eyes on us. It kinda gave me the chills. Usually it's either one of us getting the extra bright spotlight but since we're walking together the extra brightness is on both of us and it makes me anxious.

I can hear so many words coming out of so many mouths around us. The good and the bad. My hands were coated with a layer of cold sweat. He reach to my hand and hold it giving me a cheering smile. I pressed my lips into thin line. A lot of girls were having their eyes on us.

Why is my boyfriend holding her hands?!
He isn't yours?
It doesn't matter!

They look good... I'm looking forward to the performance...

How can they look so aesthetic just by walking?!

I'm jealous of her....

Aren't they each other's nemesis?

I sigh. People they can never stop. But who said that Hyuck's her boyfriend just now? It must be the wildest dreams of hers. I don't mind...

We walk to the auditorium together. We pass by the Dance studio building and saw Jaemin and Renjun walking towards it. "Ayy look at them!" Renjun said. "Look at them holding hands... So much for being enemies huh" Jaemin smirk. I pull my hand away from Hyucks grip.

"Hey can you put my bag in the studio. I'll be back after recital to clean myself" I hand Renjun my slingbag. We wave them goodbye and continue heading to the auditorium.

We walk into the backstage and saw alot of people getting ready. "Wait here" he said. I sat down on the couch finding myself being comfortable. Suddenly and ice pack land on my lap startling me. I look up and saw Hyuck laughing while pressing his stomach " The pack is for your feet" . I gave him a glare.

He hand me a can of apple juice. I pouted and was about to ask him to open it but he quickly took it and opened it. "Sorry I forgot you can't open a soft drink can. You don't drink carbonated drinks too right?" He ask. I tried to stop my jaw from dropping. "How did you know that detail?" I asked.

"We're staying in the same dance studio. It's in your profile silly" he flick my forehead. "Guys... Finally I found you" Mark said while panting. He hand us a paper bag and took a sit beside me. "That's your healthy breakfast In bought for you guys" he pointed at the bags. "We had breakfast?" I stated in a questioning way. "She saw you guys ate pastry while walking here" He snorted.

Ahh beoyaa.....

I opened my bag and saw a tupperware and a pair of silverware. I peeked inside the container and saw a HEALTHY breakfast.

"She said you're getting plumper these days so she got you chicken breast salad" He took a sip of mineral water. "Aish" I mumbled. "What're you doing here hyung?" Hyuck asked while taking his first bite.

"I'm taking care of the sound system and taking care of you two" he said while eyeing my salad. "Want some?" I offered. "No I was looking at you only eating the shredded chicken" he chuckle. "Okay maybe a little" he took the spoon. "Don't be scared to eat a lot" I said while taking a look in the mirror.

"Mark hyung! Stop slacking off! You two are next!" Jisung shouted from afar. My eyes widen. "Go wreck the stage" Mark ruffle Hyuck's soft locks. He gave me a sweet smile and left.

"Are you ready?" Hyuck asked. "Do you want me to be honest?" I look at him doing his hair. He gave me the 'obviously' look and nod once. "I'm not sure honestly" I hanged my head low and started kicking nothing but air. "We'll wreck the stage" he pull my face up and smiled. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hyung noona.... It's your turn" Jisung came to us. We thanked him and left the backstage. "Can you give us two mics?" Hyuck asked and Jisung gave us the microphone.

I stand in my position. There's so many cameras flashing. So many bright light. I was in a daze when the music started.

"Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you" We both sang the chorus part. Yup we changed the song from something sweet into something emo because of our outfit.

Clean footwork. Crystal clear vocals. Beautiful choreography. Graceful body waves-

I slipped...

But he caught me and it's his part of the bridge.

Would you love me more
Would you love me more
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hand?
Would you hold my hand?
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you

We hold hands as the song ends. Leaning againts each other's back and gazing the audience. A loud applause banging the whole auditorium. We bow before leaving the stage.


Everyone cheered for us. I gave Mark a high five and walk to our things. Suddenly a pair of arm snake it way wraping my waist. She's shivering.

"Hey you good?" I ask. "Yeah just let me hug you for awhile" No she's not. I turned around to face her and pulled her into my arms. She need it. She needs someone to comfort her. "I almost blew the performance" she grip at my clothes trying her best not to cry.

"Hey we were fine" I said. I ruffled her hair. "You were great" I smiled. She looked at me. Blank at first but the her lips curled up into a smile. "Thank you for doing your best" I bow down to her height.

Author's pov

Minsyi and Kal were secretly watching behind the sofa. Giggling silently. "Our ship is sailing~" they said.

"What're you two doing there?" Mark suddenly ask wuth a loud voice catching the two's attention. "Markeu pabo" In said. They got up and saw the two giving them looks.

"What?! You never spied on someone in your life?" She said as if she did nothing wrong . Actually just covering herself from embarrassment. She walks away and was able to smack Mark before leaving.

Sugar Coated || LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now